Canadian Neuroblastoma Organizations

Neuroblastoma Canada

Neuroblastoma Canada is a national community – based organization dedicated to unite every Canadian Neuroblastoma family through open discussion, online resources, and supportive activities.
Neuroblastoma Canada can be reached through their contact page:
Twitter: @neuroblastomaCA
Facebook: Neuroblastoma Canada

The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research

The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research is a not-for-profit which raises funds for neuroblastoma research, awareness about the disease, and provides support to neuroblastoma families. Their mission is: “Inspiring change by sharing the unfolding story of our search to find a cure for neuroblastoma by raising funds while supporting families suffering the same pain.”

The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research
525 University Avenue
14th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5G 2L3
Telephone: 416.813.6166 x2557
Twitter: @JamesFundNB
Facebook: Friends of The James Fund For Neuroblastoma Research
YouTube: JamesFundNB