Every dollar counts. Your support enables CCSN to organize events, push for policy changes, and provide essential resources to those affected by cancer. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of survivors and contribute to a future where no one faces cancer alone.
The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network is a leader in patient participation in healthcare, with a mandate to educate the public and policy makers about cancer survivorship and engage in and encourage research on ways to alleviate barriers to optimal cancer care in Canada.

“It’s an honour to be part of such an amazing organization! The legislative reception I attended was fantastic, and I found meeting with MPPs to be such an important experience for me to have as a survivor. Cancer doesn’t discriminate, and one-in-two Canadians will be affected by the disease. Cancer patients, survivors and caregivers are extremely fortunate to have CCSN sharing such dignified awareness about this deadly disease – and in order for CCSN to continue promoting health for such a large percentage of Canadians, I urge you to think about supporting this great cause.”

Julianna Leone

L to R: At the Ontario Legislature, cancer survivor Julianna Leone, pictured with CCSN President and CEO Jackie Manthorne, and Julianna's father Reno Leone, who is also a cancer survivor.
L to R: At the Ontario Legislature, cancer survivor Julianna Leone, pictured with CCSN President and CEO Jackie Manthorne, and Julianna's father Reno Leone, who is also a cancer survivor.


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An investment in resources so people can get back to their lives

Being diagnosed with cancer is something no one wants to hear. Cancer presents many different challenges, complicating factors, and concerns for patients and their caregivers.

There are over one million cancer survivors in Canada – so there is an “after cancer” life for so many. How will we live that life? Lifelong medications are expensive, fear of recurrence is pervasive, and financial impact can be long-lasting. What can we do about it?

The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network is a non-profit organization which works to provide a voice for cancer survivors. They help policy makers understand life after cancer, and garner support for initiatives such as shorter wait times between diagnosis and treatment, a shorter process of cancer medication approval, and alleviating the financial after-effects of cancer.

CCSN is asking: as a nation, is Canada doing everything it can to find cancer cures, improve care prevention, and provide equal access and support to the best available care? This is important for those who have already experienced a diagnosis as well as those who will do so in the future.  After treatment is over, what support can patients and caregivers expect to have to help them carry on leading normal and happy lives? What do they do if their cancer comes back?

  • We ensure cancer patients, survivors and caregivers have access to education and action opportunities.
  • We work together with partner groups and individuals, to identify and remove barriers to the best standard of patient care.
  • We support and encourage evidence-based research on ways to improve patient care and recognize the need for and provide survivor support.

Find Out More About This Charity:

1750 Courtwood Crescent, suite 210

Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5