A Seat at the Table

CCSN is building a powerful cohort of trained patient- leaders in cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivor care to participate in  growing opportunities for the patient voice on healthcare decision-making bodies.

The project, called Seat at the Table is building an eLearning platform for training patients (Science of Cancer Training Program), updating  a registry of opportunities across the provinces as they open, matching  and supporting patients in working together to shape programs to improve cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivor care. When the program is finalized 575 patients would be trained in the science of cancer, working with others, targeting the right body for the change they want, and following up in a positive way to improve healthcare systems. Cancer patient often report feeling isolated, and feel powerless against the disease.

CCSN’s view is well expressed by Volunteer Canada http://volunteer.ca “By caring and contributing to change, volunteers decrease suffering and disparity, while they gain skills, self-esteem and change their lives. People work to improve the lives of their neighbours and, in return, enhance their own.”

The Seat at the Table eLearning project will enable change by providing critical appraisal skills, tools to interpret scientific literature, leadership skills and collaboration with scientists.

Based in part on the Washington based National Breast Cancer Coalition’s Project Lead, CCSN’s Seat at the Table project will  prepare cancer patients, caregivers and family members to have a say  in shaping programs to improve cancer diagnosis, treatment and survivor care.

This objective will be accomplished in several ways, by:

  • Educating organizational decision makers of the value of having patients, survivors and caregivers engage in decision-making processes affecting patients.
  • Ensuring that Canadian cancer organizations which fund research include informed patients, survivors, caregivers or family members on their research peer review committees, ethics boards and other appropriate committees.
  • Ensuring that cancer centres and hospitals providing cancer treatment include informed patients, survivors, caregivers or family members on appropriate boards and committees.
  • Identifying other cancer and healthcare organizations on which cancer patients, survivors and caregivers should be at the table.
  • Identifying training modalities to ensure that patients, survivors and caregivers are educated and informed to enable them to fully participate in A Seat at the Table.
  • Developing appropriate patient education training programs to be offered online.

We are inviting participants to review online modules as they appear in alpha edition. We invite scientists to join the Curriculum Committee and/or be subject matter experts.

Cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, family members as well as healthcare and cancer organizations who would like to be involved with A Seat at the Table should contact Jackie Manthorne, CCSN President & CEO, at jmanthorne@survivornet.ca.

Please check these pages often for A Seat at the Table volunteer opportunities! Additionally, check our Participate page for time-sensitive initiatives.

Check below for available opportunities across Canada:

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

Cancer specific patient & family Advisory Councils
Research Peer Review Committees

Why is it important to support “Seat at the Table”? Click here to learn!

Updated August 7th, 2018