International Cervical Cancer Organizations

527,624 cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed in worldwide in 2012, with 265,653 deaths (Globocan, 2012).

Cervical cancer starts in the cervix. The cervix is the narrow, lowest portion of a women’s uterus (womb). The cervix connects the main body of the uterus to the vagina and is part of the female reproductive system. Early detection means finding a cancer or precancerous condition at an early stage. In most cases, finding cancer early increases the chances of successful treatment. Screening for cervical cancer is done by a Pap test or HPV test (Canadian Cancer Society Cancer Encyclopedia).

For additional information on cervical cancer, please go to the Canadian Cancer Society Cancer Encyclopedia.

Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation (ACCF)

The Australia Cervical Cancer Foundation is dedicated to creating awareness of cervical cancer and its prevention, particularly through its schools awareness program, CCAPS. ACCF is also committed to providing cervical cancer vaccine and treatment for free to developing countries that would otherwise not receive it.

P.O. Box 1008
Level 4, 269 Wickham Street
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Tel: +61 1300 727 630

Twitter: @theACCF
Facebook: ACCF
YouTube: ACCF
Pinterest: ACCF
Instagram: @theaccf

Cervical Cancer Action

Cervical Cancer Action is an advocacy group which challenges countries to commit to action against cervical cancer. This includes funding for awareness campaigns, screening guidelines, and support for patients who are diagnosed with cervical cancer.

International Cervical Cancer Foundation

The International Cervical Cancer Foundation is a worldwide non-profit organization dedicated to reducing cervical cancer morbidity and mortality in disadvantaged populations worldwide. The organization works with already existing clinics and medical institutions in low income countries to equip them with the necessary tools for fighting cervical cancer. They have successfully completed programs in Peru and pledge to remain a presence there in order to provide Peruvian women in rural areas with the treatment and screening they need.

Facebook: International Cervical Cancer Foundation

National Cervical Cancer Coalition (US)

The National Cervical Cancer Coalition is a grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to serving women with, or at risk for, cervical cancer and HPV disease. The NCCC has thousands of members around the world, and chapters across the U.S. Its mission is to help women, family members and caregivers battle the personal issues related to cervical cancer and HPV and to advocate for cervical health in all women by promoting prevention through education about early vaccination, Pap testing and HPV testing when recommended.

National Cervical Cancer Coalition
PO Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Twitter: @StopHPVCancer
Facebook: National Cervical Cancer Coalition

Preventing Cervical Cancer (PINCC)

Prevention International: No Cervical Cancer is a non-profit, volunteer medical service organization with the objective of providing sustainable programs to combat cervical cancer. PINCC trains medical professionals in screening methods, educates women about the importance of being screened, and provides developing countries with accessible and affordable equipment for their medical facilities.

Prevention International

Foundation for Women’s Cancer (USA)

The Foundation for Women’s Cancer was founded by the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) in 1991. The Foundation for Women’s Cancer is a 501 (c) (3) not for profit organization dedicated to funding research and training, and ensuring education and public awareness of gynecologic cancer prevention, early detection and optimal treatment.

Foundation for Women’s Cancer
230 W. Monroe Suite 2528
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: 312.578.1439
Fax: 312.578.9769
Hotline: 800.444.4441

Twitter: @GYNCancer
Facebook: Foundation for Women’s Cancer
YouTube: Foundation for Women’s Cancer
Pinterest: FdtnForWomensCancer

Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer (GIAHC)

The GIAHC is currently a program through the American Sexual Health Association whicht is in the process of becoming an independent voluntary non-profit organization with a mission to save lives from cervical cancer through educating, empowering, and eradicating people. Their vision is for women to live in a cervical cancer-free world by embracing the power of collective engagement.

c/o ASHA
PO Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Phone: 800.552.4375

Grounds for Health (USA)

Founded in 1996, Grounds for Health’s mission is to create sustainable and effective cervical cancer prevention and treatment programs in coffee-growing communities, with the goal of decreasing the rate of cervical cancer. Since 1996, over 45,000 women have been screened for cervical cancer as a result of Grounds for Health programs. Grounds for Health currently run programs in Tanzania, Nicaragua and Peru, and will continue to explore the possibilities for future sites.

Grounds for Health
92 South Main Street #2
Waterbury, VT 05676
Phone 🙁 802) 241-4146
Fax: (802) 241-4147 (fax)

Twitter: @grounds4health
Facebook: Grounds for Health
LinkedIn: Grounds for Health

The European Cervical Cancer Association

The mission of the ECCA is to raise awareness of cervical cancer and its prevention among members of the general public, healthcare professionals and public health decision-makers in Europe.

European Cervical Cancer Association
121 rue Jourdan
1060 Brussels, Belgium
Phone : +32 (0)2 538 2833
Fax: +32 (0)2 538 5833