Financial Information

Prostate cancer, or any cancer for that matter, can be expensive to treat and manage. In a literature review conducted by the Canadian Cancer Society, findings showed that most costs incurred by patients and their families were traced back to travelling expenses, cancer drugs, prescription medicine and out-of-pocket costs.1

The Canada Health Act says all Canadians ‘have access to the insured health services including all medically necessary hospital services, inpatient pharmaceuticals (medicines used while you are hospitalized), and medically required physician services.’2 Unfortunately this means that medicines not used in-hospital (outpatients) are not always covered.3

The following links are meant to provide prostate cancer patients and their families with information on the programs and services available to help them finance the cancer treatment and the costs incurred.

Cancer drugs and prescriptions
Provincial/Federal drug plans and formularies
Private health insurance
Medical expenses and out-of-pocket costs


[1] Nelson, Colleen. “The Financial Hardship of Cancer in Canada: A Literature Review.” Review. Candian Cancer Society 2010: 1-26.Canadian Cancer Society. Canadian Cancer Society Manitoba Division, 2010. Web.
accessed 04 June 2014. < >.
[2] “Chemotherapy and Other Drug Therapies.” Canadian Cancer Society. Canadian Cancer Society, n.d. Web. accessed 04 June 2014.
< >.
[3] Taylor, Wayne. “A Business Case for the Universal Coverage of Oral Cancer Medicines.” (n.d.): n. page. Cameron Institute. Cameron Institute, Jan. 2014. Web. accessed 04 June 2014. < >.
[4] News, CBC. “Oral Cancer Drugs: Group Pushes for Universal Coverage.”CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 10 Mar. 2014. Web. accessed 04 June 2014.
< >.
[5] Taylor, Wayne. Figure 8: Eligiblity for Public Coverage of Oral Cancer Drugs Taken at Home. Digital image. Cameron Institute. Cameron Institute, Jan. 2014. Web. accessed 04 June 2014.
[6] “New Brunsick Drug Plan: Questions and Answers.” Questions and Answers. New Brunswick Government, n.d. Web. accessed 04 June 2014.
< >.
[7] Taylor, Paul. “Financial Aid for Costly Cancer Drugs.” Personal Health Navigator. Healthydebate, 24 Sept. 2013. Web. 04 June 2014.
< >.
[8] “Cancer Drugs – Frequently Asked Questions – CCO.” Cancer Care Ontario. Cancer Care Ontario, 06 Jan. 2014. Web. accessed 06 June 2014.
< >.
[9] Taylor, Paul. “The Costs of Being a Cancer Patient.” Healthydebate. Personal Health Navigator, 4 Feb. 2014. Web. accessed 09 June 2014.
< >.
[10] “Private Insurance.” Private Insurance., n.d. Web. accessed 09 June 2014. .
[11] ibid.
[12] Lepage, Suzanne. “Patient Assistance Program Primer.” Benefits Canada. Benefits Canada, 12 Mar. 2013. Web. 09 June 2014.
< >.
[13] Nelson, Colleen. “The Financial Hardship of Cancer in Canada: A Literature Review.” Review. Candian Cancer Society 2010: 1-26.Canadian Cancer Society. Canadian Cancer Society Manitoba Division, 2010. Web. accessed 09 June 2014. < >.
[14] Mathews, M. and Park, A. (2009 b). Identifying Patients in Financial Need: Cancer Care Providers’ Perceptions of Barriers. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 13(5), 501-505.


  2. Nelson, Colleen. “The Financial Hardship of Cancer in Canada: A Literature Review.” Review. Candian Cancer Society 2010: 1-26.Canadian Cancer Society. Canadian Cancer Society Manitoba Division, 2010