Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer starts in the cells of the pancreas. The pancreas is a large gland that lies behind your stomach deep in the upper part of the abdomen. The pancreas is also part of the hormonal system and makes insulin and other hormones. Hormones made in the pancreas enter the bloodstream and help your body use or store the energy (sugar and fat) from the food you eat. Most pancreatic cancers start in the ducts that carry pancreatic juices. Pancreatic Cancer that starts in the cells that make hormones (called islet cell cancer) is rare.

In 2020, there will be an estimated 6,000 new cases of Pancreatic Cancer and an estimated 5,300 Pancreatic Cancer deaths in Canada (Canadian Cancer Statistics, 2020).

As of June 2018, 57% of cases of Pancreatic Cancer were diagnosed at stage IV (Canadian Cancer Statistics, 2018).


Canadian Pancreatic Cancer Organizations

International Pancreatic Cancer Organizations

Pancreatic Cancer Blogs

Pancreatic Cancer Stories