The Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG) is requesting applications for the volunteer position of Chair of the Patient Representative Committee.
CCTG is a cooperative oncology research group that designs and administers clinical trials in cancer therapy, supportive care, and prevention across Canada and internationally. We support a collaborative network of researchers, physicians, scientists, and statisticians internationally recognized for finding the treatments that give people with cancer longer, better quality lives.
CCTG has been a leader in the development and implementation of a robust patient engagement program. “Patients as partners” in cancer trials is core to CCTG’s mission, values, and strategic plans. It is also a priority for CCTG’s founding funder, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS). The perspective of the patient is integrated into the development of clinical trials and their execution. Every scientific committee has at least one patient representative to fulfil this role. Patient Representatives are also members of oversight committees, including the Data Safety Monitoring Committee, Clinical Trials Committee, and Strategic Executive Advisory Committee.
These activities are organized by a Patient Representative Committee (PRC) led by a volunteer Chair as per the committee’s Terms of Reference. The PRC is a closely knit team of capable, articulate, passionate, highly engaged, and mutually supportive volunteers, all with lived experience as patients or caregivers in a wide variety of cancers. More information about the PRC is on the CCTG website, linked here: Patient Representative Committee
The Chair of the PRC is appointed by the CCTG Director for a term of 5 years, renewable once. At the conclusion of 2024 the term of the current chair will expire. To ensure the sustainability of the PRC’s vital work, CCTG has launched a search process to identify a suitable successor.