On Thursday, December 15th, the Canadian Government made a major announcement stating that they will be moving forward with a “whole-of-government approach to fulfill its commitment to ban asbestos and asbestos-containing products by 2018.” The Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health commented on the decision stating that “Across Canada and the world, asbestos-related cancers continue to hurt Canadian families and pose a significant burden for
Tag: Lung Cancer
Is mammography in danger?
Not all that long ago in Canada, the triad of early detection of breast cancer was breast self-examination (BSE), clinical breast exam, and mammography. These three were the most widely used tools in the early detection of breast cancer. However, in the late 1990 and early 2000s, breast self-examination came under attack, and even such organizations as the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation modified their recommendations
The Importance of Exercise for Cancer Prevention and Recurrence
By David Novak Cancer is known as one the prevalent diseases in the world today. Every year millions of people are afflicted by this life-threatening disease. Cancer is a class of diseases wherein cells grow out of control. These cancerous cells can even spread to other parts of the body and destroy healthy tissues. There is no proven way to completely prevent cancer, but there
Participants Needed: UBC Research Study – Lung Cancer Booklet
Are you related to a person with lung cancer? Do you smoke or have you recently quit? Researchers at the University of British Columbia are looking for family members of lung cancer patients to participate in a research study. Tell researchers what you think about a new booklet for family members about reducing and stopping smoking. Up to 2 hours of your time – $50.00
World No Tobacco Day: May 31st 2013
World No Tobacco Day This Friday, May 31 2013, is World No Tobacco Day. It is an annual event when WHO and partners gather to advocate effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption by emphasizing the health risks attached to tobacco use. According to WHO, tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death globally. Tobacco kills nearly 6 million people each year, of which 10%
Does asbestos harm the environment?
In our last CCSN article, my colleague Tim Povtak wrote about the damage that asbestos can do to your body. Today, Jackie kindly opened the floor for me to discuss the damage it can do to the earth. It’s ironic to think that a mineral that originates in the earth could actually end up hurting it. But that’s exactly the case with asbestos. The naturally