Jackie Manthorne, President & CEO of CCSN, attended and was invited to make a presentation at the 2014 conference of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology in Winnipeg, April 30-May 2. The 2014 conference brought together interdisciplinary professionals to explore, share, learn and discuss the psychosocial aspects of cancer. CAPO’s annual conference convenes researchers, clinicians and community-based organizations from several professions, including: medical, psychiatry, nursing, psychology,
Tag: Jackie Manthorne
What do cancer patients want?
What do cancer patients want? By Jackie Manthorne Presented at the Economic Club of Canada April 14, 2014 Thank you very much for your kind introduction. And I would also like to thank all of you for attending today! I was hoping that Toronto wouldn’t be having a blizzard and that we all wouldn’t be sporting boots, parkas and tuques! Last week I was in
Is mammography in danger?
Not all that long ago in Canada, the triad of early detection of breast cancer was breast self-examination (BSE), clinical breast exam, and mammography. These three were the most widely used tools in the early detection of breast cancer. However, in the late 1990 and early 2000s, breast self-examination came under attack, and even such organizations as the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation modified their recommendations
Precautions to Take After Being Exposed to Asbestos
If you’ve been following CCSN for any amount of time, you’ve probably amassed a considerable amount of knowledge about the health complications that can develop after asbestos exposure. However, you may also have spent a considerable amount of time racking your brain for times when you could possibly have been exposed to asbestos. If you’ve identified any potential exposures, you may now be dealing with