A family member can be thrust into the role of being an informal caregiver for a loved one who is diagnosed with cancer. It can be a challenge both emotionally and financially. November is Cancer Caregiver Health Month at InspireHealth, recognizing the unique emotional and support service needs for family and loved ones of people with cancer. We are encouraging family caregivers to encourage their
Tag: Caregiving
Canadian Cancer Survivor Network launches A Family Affair: Prostate Cancer Family and Caregiver Portal
Online resource recognizes unique family and caregiver experience of prostate cancer Toronto, ON – September 30, 2014 – For those dealing with prostate cancer, the journey from diagnosis to treatment and management of the disease is rarely a road travelled alone. Spouses, partners, children, extended family, friends and even colleagues may share in the burden of this life-changing disease. The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network (CCSN)