
Patient and Family Advisory Council

What is the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)? 
PFAC brings together a diverse group of patients who have received care at one of our centres, family members, and organizations who have a close relationship with the Cancer Agency. This group joins Saskatchewan Cancer Agency staff to form the Council.

What does PFAC do? 
PFAC serves as the patient voice and provides an opportunity for patients and family members to help the Cancer Agency improve the overall cancer experience. The Council members are committed to improving the cancer experience by: 
– Encouraging a greater understanding of the health care experience through the eyes of the patient and family.
– Providing advice, information and recommendations to Cancer Agency staff that will support planning, policies and procedures.
– Improving patient safety, integration and navigation of health care systems.
– Promoting effective and ongoing communication between patients, families and staff.
– Enhancing relationships between Cancer Agency staff and our clients, patients, family members and the community.
– Supporting patients and family members to be full partners in their cancer treatment and care.

How do I provide comments to PFAC?
We welcome your comments and feedback. You can talk directly to a PFAC member or use the comment boxes in our facilities to let us know how we are doing.

What happens if I submit a comment?
The comments are collected weekly. PFAC is committed to addressing the comments or concerns received in person or through our comment boxes. Comments can also be provided through email: While all comments provided to PFAC are completely confidential, suggestions about improvement are provided to the department supervisor to assist in addressing. Positive comments are shared with staff, but names and facility specific information is removed. PFAC members follow the Cancer Agency’s privacy policy and are bound by The Health Information Protection Act.

Should I contact PFAC if I have a concern regarding the care I received?
PFAC members can listen to your concerns; however, we suggest that you first speak with a member of your health care team who can best help. If you are unable to resolve your concern, you can contact the Cancer Agency’s Quality of Care Coordinator (QCC) at 1-866-577-6489 or email

How can I get involved?
If you are interested in learning more about or participating on PFAC, please contact:
Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
Patient and Family Advisory Council
Phone: 639-625-2001