Watch our most recent webinar! What is patient engagement at CADTH, and how can you get involved?

What is patient engagement at CADTH, and how can you get involved?

Date held: April 4th, 2019
Presented by: Bill Dempster, CEO of 3Sixty Public Affairs with guest panelists Sarah Berglas (CADTH) and Maureen Smith (CORD)

Webinar Information:

CCSN welcomed CADTH’s Patient Engagement Officer Sarah Berglas to hear more about the many aspects in which CADTH involves patients in its work. Bill and Sarah walked through opportunities for patients and others to become involved in CADTH’s work, including:

  • Providing patient input to CADTH’s pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR)
  • Involving patients in CADTH’s assessments of medical devices, interventions, diagnostic tests, and procedures
  • CADTH’s new Patient and Community Advisory Committee and
  • CADTH’s newly published patient engagement framework.

There are other opportunities outside of the formal reviews, as well, and Sarah spoke further about what CADTH heard from its listening exercise with patient groups last fall. Sarah also spoke about how patients will be involved in CADTH’s upcoming annual symposium on April 14-16 in Edmonton.

Maureen Smith also joined Bill and Sarah, sharing her experience convening public and patient members on Canadian HTA bodies to discuss our experiences, learn from experts and each other.

This is a must-see webinar for the engaged, the curious and the novice!

The slides are available on our Slideshare account here.