Watch Now! CCSN Webinar on The Goals of Treatment of Lung Cancer

Date Held: February 27th 2020
Presented By: Dr. Krista Noonan, Medical Oncologist – BC Cancer, Surrey Centre

In This Webinar:

Dr. Krista Noonan reviews the advancements in systematic therapy in lung cancer over the past decade, and highlights how advancements in systematic therapy have dramatically improved quality and length of life.

Dr. Noonan is a medical oncologist specializing in thoracic and genitourinary malignancies at BC Cancer, Surrey Centre who received a BSc in Biochemistry and an MD from Memorial University. She subsequently completed her Medical Oncology and Thoracic Oncology fellowships at the BC Cancer Agency, as well as a diploma in Clinical Epidemiology from Memorial University.

Join CCSN and Dr. Noonan for this webinar aimed at informing cancer patients and survivors on the goals of treatment of lung cancer.