Project LEAD: learn about the science of breast cancer & participate in research peer review panels

The National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) in Washington has been training breast cancer patients and survivors to influence research, advance public policy and drive the adoption of quality standards in health care for nearly 20 years.

The Project LEAD Institute is a five-day intensive science course for breast cancer advocates covering the basics of cancer biology, genetics, epidemiology, research design and advocacy. The course provides a foundation of scientific knowledge upon which participants can strengthen and empower themselves as activists.

If you have a serious interest in preparing yourself for participation in the policy-setting and decision-making roles of breast cancer research, the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network can nominate you for the July 2016 session of Project LEAD.

Space is limited, and this is the only time in 2016 that this course will be offered. It will be held on July 10-15, 2016 in La Jolla, CA. The application deadline for the course is April 15, 2016. Scholarships for those in financial need are available.

Tuition is free to NBCC members who are accepted to the course, and membership is only $35 and includes all workshop materials and meals for five days. Applicants can only apply for need-based scholarships to assist with lodging and travel expenses.

If you are interested in applying to attend Project LEAD, please get in touch with Jackie Manthorne, CCSN President & CEO, at