Media release: New Report Unveils the Cancer Patient’s Journey and Shaping the Future of Oncology Care in Nova Scotia

Friday, October 25th (Halifax, NS) – The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network (CCSN), in collaboration with the Nova Scotia Health Innovation Hub has released a new report, “Advocating for the Patient Voice in Cancer Care.” This report provides insights and recommendations captured from a Fall 2023 workshop involving patient advocacy organizations, caregivers, healthcare providers, and community organizations.

Five key themes are highlighted, which are critical to the future of oncology care in Nova Scotia:

  1. Prioritizing the cancer patient journey: The report emphasizes the importance of understanding the patient’s experience and perspective throughout their cancer journey, from diagnosis to treatment and recovery.

  2. Increasing cancer screening: The report highlights the need for increased cancer screening to detect cancer early and improve treatment outcomes.

  3. Delivering accessible care closer to home: The report recommends expanding access to cancer care services in rural and remote areas, so that patients can receive high-quality care without having to travel long distances.

  4. Engaging communities: The report stresses the importance of engaging with communities and working collaboratively to address the unique needs of diverse populations.

  5. Consistent and transparent communication: The report emphasizes the need for clear and consistent communication between healthcare providers, patients, and their families throughout the cancer journey. This includes open dialogue with patients and stakeholders towards expanding and communicating a 5-year cancer control strategy to meet the needs of today and prepare for future needs. 

Additional quotes

“The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network is happy to play a role in empowering patients and shaping the future of cancer care in Nova Scotia through collaboration with the Nova Scotia Health Innovation Hub. We are proud to champion and centre patient voices and drive positive change. We are optimistic that the recommendations outlined in the report, Advocating for the Patient Voice in Cancer Care, contribute to improving the cancer care system, ultimately resulting in a positive and lasting impact in the lives of cancer patients, their families, and caregivers. We look forward to seeing an updated cancer action plan from Nova Scotia.”

Jackie Manthorne, President and CEO, Canadian Cancer Survivor Network

Quick facts:

  • Cancer is a stark reality for Canadians. Every day, nearly 700 Canadians will receive the life-changing news that they have cancer. 
  • It is of the utmost importance that patients have a clear understanding of their position in the treatment continuum.
  • At the time of this workshop, Nova Scotia Health was in year 4 out of year 5 of their cancer care control strategy. We are awaiting a renewed strategy, one that is made publicly available for patients and their families.
  • A provincial cancer action plan is a strategic framework developed by governments to guide efforts in cancer prevention, treatment, and care. A comprehensive plan must include clear patient care roadmaps, adequate funding allocation, established key performance indicators, and governance structures to ensure plans are successful.
  • Well-defined elements as these are important and even more so is creating these plans through active engagement with patients, their families, caregivers, community representatives, and patient advocacy organizations.
  • While some provinces and territories have recently updated or created multi-year cancer action plans, some of these plans have now expired or require updates and optimizations. Other provinces are currently working on their first actions. All of this is important progress that needs to continue to ensure Canadian’s receive the best outcomes possible. 
  • Following the workshop, in January 2024, Nova Scotians aged 50-74 who have smoked daily for 20 years or more at any point in their lives can participate in a new lung screening program, where they will be assessed by a nurse to determine their personal risk of lung cancer.

Media contact:

Canadian Cancer Survivor Network 
