#GivingTuesday is November 28!

GivingTuesday Countdown

It’s time to get excited for #GivingTuesday! The day is a chance for caring individuals to show their support for charities across the North America. It is the biggest single fundraising day next to New Year’s Eve, and it makes so many incredible initiatives possible.

This year, we’re asking you to donate to our cause. We all know someone whose life has been affected by cancer. It can be difficult to know what to do when our friends and loved-ones are suffering. At CCSN, we work to change the situations that negatively impact those with cancer, such as working toward fair and equal access to medications, shorter wait times for treatment and increased awareness of survivorship.Let’s improve cancer care for everyone. Let’s help create a Canada in which cancer patients feel supported and listened to. Our mission is to make their life better, during and after treatment, by working with governments to ensure that cancer patients are heard.

Our health care system can do better. So often, patients are left out in the cold.

We firmly believe that collaboration and communication are crucial to improving Canadian cancer care. We want everyone to have a seat at the discussion table: doctors, pharmacists, governments and patients.

Your donations help us make that happen. Help us make 2018 a better year for Canadian cancer patients.

Thank you.