Does your Province Have a Cancer Problem? Two-Tiered Systems In Need of Immediate Treatment

CanCertainty calling on our Provincial Health Ministers to listen to a growing number of cancer patients, caregivers, families, and healthcare professionals who want to see every province treat oral (and injectable) cancer drugs on par with those given in hospitals intravenously.

Cancer is Cancer — and all cancer treatments should be funded and managed equally — as they are in Western Canada.

Beginning in Ontario, our campaign describes a 1st class cancer system for those treated in hospital, but a 2nd class cancer system for those who require cancer medications that they can take at home; a system that is plagued by delays, paperwork, and a lack of safety measures for patients and their families.

Please see:

Can you help?

Please share with us your experiences by emailing Have you experienced delays waiting for take-home cancer drugs? Have you experienced issues at your pharmacy or outside of the cancer system?

We'd love to hear from you. And if you can help further, please see our 6 Steps to Take Action.