Dense Breasts Canada Publishes New Report On The Impacts of Outdated Breast Screening Practices

Dense Breasts Canada, an awareness and advocacy organization dedicated to seeing optimal breast cancer screening for women, has published a report outlining the findings of their latest national, anonymous, online survey that took place during the Summer of 2021.

Over 2,500 people responded to their call and participated in the survey. All respondents were over the age of 20, and were proportionally distributed across Canadian provinces, except for Quebec, which had a smaller number of respondents.  More than 1000 of the 2530 respondents also left insightful comments, which can be viewed here.

The report amplifies the voices of the women who generously shared their experiences of breast screening in Canada, and outlines gaps and opportunities to drive equity in women’s breast screening. In addition, the report outlines 12 key findings and 10 key recommendations for provincial governments.

To full report can be viewed here: Failing Canadian Women: The impacts of outdated and inconsistent breast screening practices. A call to action.