CADTH Symposium Travel Awards Program Now Accepting Applications

The following is a message from CADTH.

“We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Symposium Travel Awards Program is accepting applications to support attendance by individuals who could not participate in the Symposium without financial support.

Launched in 2007, the program is part of our commitment to making this important event accessible to all health care stakeholders. This year, eligible applicants can receive up to $3,000 to offset, registration, travel, food, accommodation, and other Symposium-related expenses.

To be eligible for a Travel Award, applicants must represent one of the following groups:
Students: Full-time undergraduate or graduate students attending a degree-granting institution in Canada and taking courses in a field relevant to CADTH’s work.
Patients and Caregivers: Patients or caregivers affiliated with a not-for-profit, health care or patient-related or citizen organization that is contributing to health care or health policy.
Members of Equity-Deserving Groups: Individuals associated with a community group, or association working to improve equity in health systems.
For more information on eligibility, please visit our Travel Awards page.

How to apply
Visit the Symposium website to review the program criteria and to complete the online application form. Applications must be submitted by Friday, April 19, 2024.”

Click HERE for more info.