Statement on National Pharmacare (Bill C-64)

March 19, 2024 – The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network welcomes the tabling of Bill C-64, An Act respecting pharmacare. This legislation represents a significant step forward towards achieving universal, first dollar coverage pharmacare in Canada, which is a critical goal for CCSN and for cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors across the country. We applaud the following key aspects of Bill C-64: Commitment to improved accessibility

New COVID-19 Advocacy Group Launches To Fill Gaps Left By the Pandemic

The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network (CCSN) welcomes a new national non-profit with a focus on Covid-19 in a post-pandemic world. The Canadian Covid Society launched on March 6th, with a mission to “strive to protect the health and safety of people in Canada against the harms of Covid-19 and long-Covid, through education, engaging and empowering the public and organizations with scientific knowledge.” In a press

From the Canadian Lymphedema Framework: Save the MUHC Lymphedema Program

The following message is from the Canadian Lymphedema Framework. “After being charitably funded for 18 years, the Lymphedema Program of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) under Dr. Anna Towers in Montreal is threatened with closure effective April 1, 2024, due to a pending discontinuation of funding. Does this decision impact only lymphedema patients in Quebec? Absolutely not. The need for standardized quality lymphedema care