Medical Marijuana in Canada
Date held: January 22, 2015
Presented by: Dr. Paul Daeninck, MD, MSc, FRCPC.
Topics discussed:
- Basic facts about medical cannabis
- The role of medical cannabis for cancer patients
- Q&A opportunity to ask questions about medical cannabis use and availability in Canada.
(Unfortunately due to technical issues, the recording of this webinar is unavailable.)
Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulation (MMPR) – What Do I Need to Know?
Date held: August 20, 2015
Presented by: Kaivan Talachian (Pharm.D., R.Ph.), CannTrust
Topics discussed:
- Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR)
- Statistics on cannabis usage and results of the CCSN medical cannbis survey
- Differences between licensed producers and dispensaries
- Basic information on medical cannabis usage, adverse effects, potential use and contraindications
- Cannabis varieties
- How to legally access medical cannabis
Medical Marijuana in Canada – Has Everything Changed?
Date held: March 3, 2016
Presented by: Trina Fraser, BrazeauSeller LLP
Topics discussed:
- An overview of the court case including the main details, the plaintiffs, and what they were seeking,
- Analysis of the evidence presented during the proceedings,
- What the decision means for patients and producers, and
- Things to come for medical marijuana in Canada
Access the YouTube recording here.
Medical Marijuana: Does it have a role in the treatment of cancer patients?
Date held: December 12, 2016
Dr. Paul Daeninck is an oncologist and palliative care consultant with CancerCare Manitoba and is an Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba. He is the Chair of the Symptom Management and Palliative Care disease site group at CancerCare Manitoba and the President–elect of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids (CCIC). He has a research and clinical interest in the use of cannabis and cannabinoids in patients with cancer and cancer-related conditions.
Topics discussed:
- Basic facts about medical cannabis in Canada
- The role of medical cannabis for cancer patients
- How to access medical cannabis under the current Health Canada process
Access the YouTube recording here.
Cannabis Climate in Canada – Medical Cannabis in the Dawn of Legalization
Date held: October 30th, 2018
CCSN was pleased to welcome back Trina Fraser, part of the Cannabis Law team at Brazeau Seller Law Firm. Brazeau Seller Law’s CannaLaw® group has been advising cannabis industry participants since the inception of the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations in 2013. Their cannabis team is also preparing employers for the legalization of cannabis by creating and updating substance-use and human rights’ accommodation policies, and advising on rights and obligations relating to cannabis use in the workplace.
In this webinar, Trina discussed the Cannabis Act, which came into effect October 17th. In particular, she highlighted how medical cannabis may be affected by these new legalization guidelines.
Access the YouTube recording here.
Dr. Paul Daeninck’s answers to medical marijuana questions
MaryAnne DiCanto: In the US we have access legally to CBD oil from hemp is that different than prescription CBD?
Dr. Daeninck: The Canadian rules are less flexible than those in individual states. Doctors here in Canada can only authorize dried cannabis (marijuana) for use. Many people then use this to create “oil”, but there is no provision in the current rules to provide this. The licensed producers can’t provide cannabis oil either. There are people selling this compound over the internet, but it is not legal under the Canadian MMAR rules either. This situation may be come clearer in the future as there are a couple of legal challenges in the courts around what can and can’t be provided.
Tory Melnyk: I am a 25 year survivor and have tons of pain issues and diagnosed with fibromyalbia (sp), peripheral neuropathy, osteoarthritis and on and on. I have been on morphine so long it doesn’t work no and asked my doctor for marijuana to try but she refuses to write any prescriptions for it. Is that legal to refuse medical marijuana to a patient? What are my options?
Dr. Daeninck: Doctors are under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to provide marijuana for patients. Many doctors are uneasy with the use of the plant as they feel the present evidence is not strong, nor is it approved as a drug. Others still have some issues with the “illegal” stigma, and are opposed to providing it. Still others may be open to providing it, but don’t know enough about it. Your best bet is to ask for a consult to a doctor specializing in fibromyalgia and arthritis (usually a rheumatologist or physiatrist or rehab medicine doctor) and they can give you information about treatment options. Marijuana is not the first choice for treatment of any condition, and there may be better therapies which have not been tried.
Sheila McIntosh: Hi very interesting presentation from what I could hear. I didn’t catch the perspective on smoking cannabis. Since we are trying to keep people’s lungs healthy, I’m wondering if and why smoking marijuana/cannabis is supported? Thanks
Dr. Daeninck: I do not support the smoking of marijuana or cigarettes, as the evidence points to them being a cause of cancer. Really, burning of anything and then sucking on the smoke will be a problem for one’s lungs. Many people have been using marijuana cigarettes for recreational purposes prior to medicinal use, and feel comfortable with smoking. I advise vaporization, a process that allows for the inhalation of the active ingredients (the THC, CBD, etc) with none of the burning components. Ingestion (cookies, brownies, etc) is also good. There are several studies out there looking at better ways to administer the active ingredients. I expect there will be newer products out within 5 years or so.
Lynne Bohn: My son smokes to relieve huge anxiety issues, has been under Doctor’s care for over 25 years. He has been on so many drugs, that don’t help in the long run, should he press his doc to prescribe?
Dr. Daeninck: I would discuss these issues with your physician and maybe seek specialized help for your son’s anxiety issues. There are other mental health issues that may accompany anxiety, and may respond to other treatments. The evidence for using marijuana for anxiety is small, and is still developing. That being said, I am aware of some psychiatrists (in Vancouver and Toronto) using marijuana in combination with other therapies as an experimental treatment for anxiety and depression. These are experts in their field, and I don’t recommend anyone (patients or doctors) starting this on their own.