Glossary of terms

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that act on cannabinoid receptors in human body

Cannabis is a plant family that produces three different flowering plants: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica are used to produce medical cannabis. Cannabis ruderalis is rarely farmed due to its natural lower THC content and smaller size.

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, one of the known cannabinoids found in cannabis. Medically, CBD has gained support for to relieving pain, inflammation, and anxiety without the ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ feeling commonly associated with THC.

Hybrid refers to a plant cross-breed that is genetically a cross between one or more separate strains of cannabis. Hybrids are bred to combine the desired characteristics of the original plants.

Licensed Producer (LP)
A Licensed producer (LP) is authorized by Health Canada under the MMPR to produce and sell dried cannabis. Read more here.

MMPR – Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations

MMAR – Marijuana Medical Access Regulations

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most prevalent active ingredient–cannabanoid–in cannabis, THC causes the euphoric effects– ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ feelings commonly associated with cannabis.

A vaporizer is a device used to vaporize the active ingredients of plant material such as cannabis