World Health Organization, Department of Reproductive Health and Research
Publication details
Number of pages: 16
Publication date: 2008
Languages: English
WHO reference number: WHO/RHR/08.14
HPV vaccines address a critical public health need, and will be an important element of a comprehensive cervical cancer control strategy. Ensuring universal access to HPV vaccination, screening and treatment services will be key to reducing the burden of cervical cancer worldwide. Furthermore, introducing HPV vaccines may provide a platform for the introduction of vaccines against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the future, given the probable need to vaccinate the same target population of older children and adolescents.
This booklet summarizes and updates the World Health Organization document “Human papillomavirus and HPV vaccine: technical information for policy-makers and health professionals” and the WHO/UNFPA guidance note “Preparing for the introduction of HPV vaccines—policy and programme guidance for countries.”