Webinar: Dr. David Stewart Why Cancer Still Sucks, and So Does Access to Treatment in Canada.

About this Webinar:

In this webinar, presented by Dr. David J. Stewart, MD, we will discuss Why Cancer Still Sucks and So Does Access to Treatment in Canada.

About the Presenter:

Dr. David J. Stewart, MD
Dr. Stewart trained in medical oncology in the Department of Developmental Therapeutics at MD
Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston, Texas, 1976-1978. He was on staff at MD Anderson from 1978 to
1980, then in Ottawa from 1980 to 2003, and back at MD Anderson in the Department of Thoracic/Head
and Neck Medical Oncology from 2003 to 2011. He returned to Ottawa in 2011 and served as Head of
the Division of Medical Oncology in Ottawa from 2011 to 2019.

His areas of research have included (among others) resistance mechanisms to anticancer agents and
resistance modulation; pharmacology and pharmacogenetics of platinums and other anticancer agents;
new drug development and predictive biomarkers in lung cancer; the negative impact of dysfunctional
regulation and clinical trial designs on the rate of clinical research progress; and the huge costs of this
clinical research dysfunction in terms of increased healthcare costs and in terms of lives prematurely

He has published more than 340 peer-reviewed publications. He has also published several Op Eds in the
lay press dealing predominantly with patient access to care, including an opinion piece published in the
Ottawa Citizen 2022/06/21 (https://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/stewart-cancer-sucks-but-so-does-
canadas-response-to-it.) In April 2022 he also published A Short Primer on Why Cancer Still Sucks,
intended for patients and the general public. It is available through Amazon books or his website,