Webinar: Canadian Health Coalition Celebrate 60 years of Medicare with us!

On Monday, June 27, please join the Canadian Health Coalition in marking an important Medicare milestone.

Medicare was born 60 years ago, on July 1, 1962, in Saskatchewan. Within 10 years, free public health care had spread across Canada. However, the dream of a fully universal, public and comprehensive health care system in Canada has never been fully realized. Privatization and systemic oppression against groups of people continue to pervade health care in Canada, making it not accessible to everyone. But, there is hope.

A national public pharmacare plan is on the table. Dental care for low-income Canadians is on the table. National standards in long-term care that protect our seniors are on the table. Health care workers, physicians, labour unions, faith-based organizations, migrant advocates and social justice activists are all organizing to enforce the Canada Health Act and make health care accessible for everyone in Canada.

On June 27 to find out how Medicare was born and what everyone can do to make the dream of universal health care a reality in Canada.