On Thursday, 15 September 2022, at 7 pm Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa will be hosting an in person and virtual meeting. This hybrid in-person and ZOOM sharing meeting will allow you to renew contact with other members, get information based on other members’ experiences and provide updates on your personal medical situation. All participants are reminded to treat any information provided as confidential, and no details will be recorded.
Here are the details:
When? Thursday, 15 September 2022, 7 pm.
Where? St Stephen’s Anglican Church, 930 Watson Street. MAP
Attendees? Current members and anyone wishing to learn more about prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Special Instructions
- In-person – masks are encouraged but not mandatory, and registration is not required.
- Virtual – please register in advance for this meeting at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/
meeting/register/ tZ0vceutqjIrGddgdCSPdbzCCBfK1P KJXrDB
About Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa :
Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa (PCSO) is a local volunteer organization of prostate cancer survivors and supporters.