Don’t miss CCSN’s second advocacy webinar on the drug approval process in Canada on April 17!

Want to make a difference to cancer care in Canada? We’ll show you how!

Hosted by Ryan Clarke of Advocacy Solutions, CCSN is putting on the second of a series of free webinars starting April 17 at 7pm EST.  The topic will be, “The labyrinth of the drug approval processes in Canada; what you should know.”  To participate you will need to register by first sending an email to  CCSN will then email you the link for participating in the webinar and login instructions.

Some outcomes you can expect from this webinar are:
1.     You will gain insight into the various steps that oncology drugs must go through before they are publicly funded in Canada.

2.     You will better appreciate the various patient evidence submission opportunities available to both patients and caregivers around new oncology medications.

3.     You will understand the specific roles and responsibilities of the federal government, provinces and territories in the drug approval and reimbursement processes.
If you were unable to participate in our first Advocacy Webinar where we talked about “how the healthcare system in Canada is structured and answered the question: who does what?” we have posted a recording of the presentation on our website at

Mark your calendars for our third advocacy webinar coming up on May 22. Our topic for this third webinar will be an, “Advocacy overview: Shaping the Healthcare agenda and can we really participate.”

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