About the LAO
Currently, the Lymphedema Association of Ontario (LAO) strives to help people living with lymphedema and healthcare professionals by offering information about lymphedema and lymphedema resources in Ontario.
This includes:
- general lymphedema information, treatment
options and resources, risk reduction and clinical guidelines - a directory of lymphedema certified therapists in Ontario and a map of therapists in Ontario
- a directory of lymphedema product fitters/retailers and information on Financial Assistance and the Assistive Device Program (ADP)
- a directory of lymphedema product distributors/manufacturers
- a directory of lymphedema therapist education
- a list of hospital based lymphedema clinics
- a list of lymphedema support groups in Ontario
- a list of lymphedema event information
All of this information is provided through our
- website lymphontario.ca
- patient education pamphlets
(a copy is available on our website to download and print) - exhibits at various healthcare awareness events
- toll free information line and information via email
1-877-723-0033 | 416-410-2250 | info@lymphontario.ca
We also offer a membership which includes copies of Pathways, the quarterly Canadian national lymphedema magazine and our newsletter insert, Lymphedema Matters, and occasional LAO e-newsletters
All revenues that support the Lymphedema Association of Ontario come from any proceeds made from membership fees, donations, an annual charity fundraiser, and advertising in our Pathways magazine newsletter insert, Lymphedema Matters
The LAO is run by a volunteer board of directors who are dedicated individuals working from their home.