Canadian Psychosocial Oncology Partners

The Canadian Psychosocial Oncology Partnership initially developed out of a meeting held during the 2006 annual Canadian Association for Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) conference. At this meeting, representatives from 11 community-based organizations (CBOs) met with representatives from the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology to discuss how CAPO could support them.

The consensus from this first meeting was the need to develop:

  • Mechanisms to share information (electronic resources, workshops and training sessions).
  • Consistent standards (e.g.: reviewing and approving educational materials, developing a standardized curriculum for volunteers).
  • Processes for research collaboration and knowledge translation (e.g. implementing research findings on a practical level).

Over a series of three annual workshops held at CAPO in 2007, 2008, and 2009, stakeholders decided to create the Canadian Psychosocial Oncology Partners (CPOP) for the purpose of working together on these goals. These workshops continue to be held each year at CAPO to continue the work. Reports from each workshop are available on the CPOP website.

One of the key first initiatives from the CPOP meetings was the development of CPOPonline as on online resource to facilitate the working together of three key stakeholders: Healthcare practitioners and administrators, Community Based Organizations, and researchers.

This website is the key product to emerge from the Creating a Psychosocial Oncology Community of Practice Website for Information Sharing project, a joint initiative of CAPO, community-based cancer organization leaders, and the Canadian Psychosocial Oncology Partnership (CPOP). The major goals of this website are to implement the vision of seamless integrated psychosocial cancer care, foster ongoing working relationships among users, and develop a sustainable community for knowledge exchange in psychosocial cancer care.

Canadian Psychosocial Oncology Partnership

189 Queen Street East, Suite 1
Toronto, ON M5A 1S2
Phone: 416-968-0207
Fax: 416-968-6818