Ovarian Cancer Blogs

Annabelle’s Big Adventure (Ovarian Cancer SUCKS)

Annabelle was diagnosed Ovarian Cancer in July 2008. Her husband, Ethan suggested her start a blog. In July 2014, she had a CT scan which showed two growths, one in a lymph node, sort of a pencil shape, and the other between her liver and kidney, marble shaped.

Borderline Cancer…Definite Implications

Ashely is 35 years old and live in Mansfield, TX. She was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in February 2007 at age of 28. It changed her life. It changed her outlook. She started this blog prior to the birth of her daughter.

Cancer Emotions

Patsy was first diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer in 2006. Her cancer returned in 2009. She said, “By far, the hardest part has been the emotional path… learning how to live without constant anxiety, fear, and doubt. My promise to you is that I will be sincere and open my heart and mind and tell you exactly what I am feeling/have experienced.”



Diary of a Pharmgirll

Kathy Rudd started this blog about what goes on behind the counter at the pharmacy. In April 2010, she was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer.

Et pourtant je veux vivre

Since 2012, Catherine has been blogging about life with ovarian cancer. (bilingual)

helenfawkes – living with cancer

Helen is a BBC correspondent for the national news. After surviving cancer eleven years ago, she came up with her List for Living. She wanted to work abroad instead of just dreaming about it. She finished chemo and within weeks later she was in Moscow. She spent almost 7 years reporting on all sorts of stories as a BBC foreign correspondent. She came back to Britain, and she was diagnosed with Stage 3 ovarian cancer for the second time.


Hope for Barbara

Holly Sparkman started this blog about her mother, Barbara who was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in March 2009. This blog is about caring love one, and ovarian cancer, the trials and tribulations of diagnosis, chemo, side effects, insurance and drugs… all in the name of hope. The support of family and friends has carried Barbara through the rough times, and it is Holly’s hope that she will conquer cancer and be able to share in many more life’s joys.

It Is What It Is…. a life worth living

Maggie is diagnosed ovarian cancer in July 2007. She is a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister just happy to be alive. She is an honor roll for excellence for in cancer writing by Being Cancer Network.


Libby’s H*O*P*E*™

Libby’s H*O*P*E*™ provides current ovarian cancer medical news and developments, as well as stories of interest obtained from 75 different medical and general news feeds. They also have Twitter, Google Shared Reader, and Friendfeed accounts to post significant ovarian cancer news and medical developments.

Living in Hicksville

She is a working mom of two unique boys, with a wonderful husband and a hockey addiction. She is diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer in October 2012. Still fighting the good fight.

Naked Mountain Blog

Marcia lives on Naked Mountain surrounding by nature. She was diagnosed stage lllC advanced ovarian cancer in March 2008. Her husband was passed away with pancreatic cancer just six months after finishing her own treatment. In her blog, lots of beautiful nature pictures in different seasons.

Nobody Has Ovarian Cancer: The Soft Whispers of Fierce Blow

Denise is living with ovarian cancer, under the control of Avastin. She is now in her 5th year of survival following surgery for high grade lll C cancer.

137 Ovarian Cancer Blogs – Blog for a Cure

Cancer Fighters helping each other. Together we are stronger.

outshine ovarian cancer

Karen Ingalls’ journey in surviving ovarian cancer has been a difficult one, and also she feels rewarding. She has met many wonderful people, learned a lot about herself, and has a deeper appreciation for life.

Ovarian Cancer?? Pass the wine…NOW!

This is a diary by an ordinary woman living an ordinary life who suddenly found herself diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She blogs about her treatments and how she is overcoming this challenge in her life.

Positive Results Blog

A blog by the authors of Positive Results: Making the Best Decisions When You’re at High Risk for Breast or Ovarian Cancer. At the age of 42, Joi Morris learned that she has a genetic mutation on a gene known as BRCA2. Another author is Dr. Godrdon who is a physician specializing in medical genetics.

See Emily Play

Emily was diagnosed with stage lllA ovarian cancer. She finished chemo in June 2008, and astoundingly, returned to work three weeks later after July 4th weekend. She said, “The year since then has been a perplexing, exhilarating swirl of physical and emotional challenges.”

Something Evil This Way Comes

Spike and her partner Elaine who live in Vancouver, BC update this blog about Spike’s fight with ovarian cancer.

Still Smiling

Tracey was started treatment for Ovarian cancer in 2007. This blog is about the ramblings of Tracey, battling ovarian and endometrial cancer and beyond. Cancer free nowadays but still with health issues. Still smile.

SunflowerSisters.ca’s Blog

SunflowerSisters.ca is the inspiration of an ovarian cancer survivor who saw the need to provide practical information and inspiration to help women LIVE with ovarian cancer. Her blog provides information for women living with ovarian cancer.

The Teal Diaries

Jacqueline Chartier has been a Calgary-based freelance writer and journalist since 1994. The Teal Diaries is Jacqueline’s first blog, offering readers a deeply personal exploration of her ongoing cancer journey. Her battle with the disease began in November 2011 when she was diagnosed with both uterine and ovarian cancer.

Turn Your Life Around: Let life guide you along the right path – Take a ride with me through life

Jen Luce is young adult who lives in Richmond, BC. She became an ovarian cancer survivor in 2007. Since the beginning of her cancer journey, she felt the need to provide more support to those going through what she was. She believes in continually learning about herself through experience, and acquiring new tools to help ease the stresses of life in a creative, compassionate way.

We Love Gabrielle

Gabrielle Dudley was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer in January 2013. The family is taking turn to updates the blog.

Women of Teal

In July 2005, Dee was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. She was treated at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey and took part in a clinical trial using Selenium along with taxol and carboplatin. In 2006 the doctors declared that there was No Evidence of Disease commonly known as NED. In November of 2008, She had surgery for a recurrence ( spleen and liver) followed by chemotherapy. She was told in May 2009 that She was disease free.