A couple of days after Anna’s second child was born, she noticed a lump in her breast. The news was not good. The cancer had found a way to spread to her lungs. She is officially stage4. She wants to live each day to the fullest of her ability and cherish every minute that she is given.
Rob Ploock is a minister in the United Church of Canada who lives in Westend, Vancouver, BC, Canada. In 2004, he was diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer. This blog was created in 2007, during which time he was being treated for a recurrence. In 2012, he is in treatment for a persistent recurrence in his sacrum. Rob wrote, “In here you will find personal stories, reflections, inspiring videos, great music, and cancer humour. ”
Bridget was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer five years ago. She was 21 years old with no family history of the disease. She is just a little girl trying to be a brave big girl on this scary journey. As treatments improve, more and more women and men are living very full lives while still fighting cancer. She hopes she can give other metastatic cancer patients a voice!
Cancer-battle: Adventures of Mark Richardson
Updates on Mark, an adventurous young man who was told early in 2005 that he had advanced esophageal cancer with metastasis to the liver and only three months to live. With no insurance to help him, limiting access to health care, Mark quickly moved from Saipan (where he was working in a hospital) to Bangkok, Thailand for treatment. While he is still battling liver cancer, his esophageal tumor disappeared with radiation and chemotherapy.
CANCER GIRL SMILES – Today I decide to live!
Sabrina lives in Toronto, ON and is currently 33 years old and has been battling cancer for 30 years! She’s a five-time cancer survivor and now she’s faced with metastatic disease that makes it six times. She has battled this grueling illness as a child, teenager, and young adult. She has so much to say on the subject and share her journey with courage to other young adults affected by cancer.
Velda is a mother of four children who lives in Ontario, Canada. She was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer with metastases to the brain and bones on September 25, 2009. Currently nearly 5 years since her diagnoses.
Dancing With Cancer: Living with mets, a new normal
Jill was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999 at age 39. It came back in 2002 when she was 42 and has metastasized (spread) to more than 20 bone sites. Just after she turned 49 it came back a third time (in the same breast) and a fourth time (two new tumors in the other breast). Her life is about dancing with cancer.
This blog is written by Natalie, a mother who was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma. She was initially diagnosed about 12 years ago; however, a few years ago the cancer progressed to Stage IV.
Kate was diagnosed with Stage lV Breast Cancer in October 2011. She was 45 years old, with a loving husband and sweet eight year old daughter. She lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, a large city with an excellent cancer centre at the local hospital.
KILLERK – A Breast Cancer Bitch
Katherine lives in Manchester, UK from Scotland. She was first diagnosed with primary breast cancer in June 2012, and had a recurrence in October 2013. In May 2014, she was diagnosed with metastatic (secondary or Stage lV) disease.
Kris has been living with cancer for over a decade, and it has taught her so much about taking care of herself and living her life to the fullest. On Valentine’s Day in 2003, she was diagnosed with a rare and incurable (yet thankfully slow-growing) stage lV cancer. Kris is New York Times best-selling author, wellness advocate, cancer thriver.
Judit was initially diagnosed with stage 3a breast cancer when she was 26 years old. Then, she was 30 years old. She started to learn to embrace the beauty of life with metastatic breast cancer. She is a registered nurse and lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Lisa Bonchek Adams – Writings on metastatic breast cancer
In Ocober of 2012, She learned that cancer had metastasized to her lymph nodes and bones. She started writing about her experiences as a wife and young mother of 3 with breast cancer.
Not Quite Ripley – why Anal Cancer is a pain in the bum
This blogger is diagnosed with Metastatic Anal Cancer in April 2011. This blog is the record of the battle and sometimes with humor.
Shannon’s Story – Victory Over Cancer Twice No Chemo
Shannon Knights’ first battle with stage 3 breast cancer was in 2006. Second battle was in July 2010, she was diagnosed with recurrence of stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis to all lobes of lungs, bones and lymph nodes. She felt that it made perfect sense to actually try and heal her body instead of using the recommende toxic chemo drugs.
Sheila’s blog – my journey to fight metastasized breast cancer
Sheila was diagnosed with metastasized breast cancer in July 2012, at age of 42. She has been living with mets in her liver since then which are now stabilized. She is living a full and rewarding life, she works full-time and enjoy life.
Stickit2stage4’s blog – Learning to live with Stage 4 breast cancer
Susan started blogging as a way to get her thoughts out of her head and to make sense of this crazy terminal illness. She had dense breast tissue. She believes she had her first ‘baseline’ mammogram in her late 20’s (felt another lump). Unfortunately, dense tissue makes having mammogram frustrating because the tissue shows up as white on a mammogram. As does Cancer. Because of this she always has an ultrasound as well. After only 4 mammograms – all of them clear, she ended up with a diagnosis of Stage 4 Breast Cancer in 2013 at age of 43.
In February of 2008, Christina was diagnosed with Stage 1 Melanoma while she was 7 ½ months pregnant with her second child. One day in January 2010, Christina discovered a small firm, round lump in her groin. A lymph node biopsy had confirmed that the melanoma had returned that is now stage 3. In June of 2010, the melanoma had returned in her lungs that is Stage 4 metastatic melanoma. Christina knows that writing on this blog will be therapeutic for her as she goes through this trial, and she also hopes she can help others along the way!!!
Tammy Carmona – Living Life with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Tammy was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer at the age of 39 in Feb 2013.Though doctors told her she wouldn’t make it to 40, she’s beaten those odds and continues to fight.
Renee is a Stage lV breast cancer thriver, mother, wife and artist, learning to enjoy and appreciate life despite having a terminal disease. She was diagnosed with Stage 1, triple negative breast cancer in September 2008, and Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer that had moved to her lungs, bones and lymph nodes in March 2011.