Canadian Cancer Organizations

Canadian Cancer Society (CCS)

The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. The organization has divisions in 10 provinces and territories and they are also the largest charitable funder for cancer research in the country. CCS also advocates for cancer prevention, provides Canadians with information about cancer and offers group support programs for people suffering directly or indirectly from cancer.

Canadian Cancer Society:
55 St.Clair Avenue West, Suite 300
Toronto, Ont. M4V 2Y7
Phone: 416- 961 7223
Fax: 41961- 7223

Cancer Advocacy Coalition of Canada (CACC)

The Canadian Advocacy Coalition of Canada is an evidence-based cancer advocacy organization which releases a yearly report card that assesses the Canadian healthcare system, evaluating how efficient and supportive it is of cancer patients. The report card underlines the clinical as well as the human aspect of going through cancer treatment, and advocates for improvements based on their findings.

Cancer Advocacy Coalition of Canada:
1902- 2 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, On M4W 3R1
Phone: 416- 642- 6472
Fax: 416- 538- 4874

Canadian Cancer Action Network (CCAN)

CCAN was formed in 2001 in order to fulfil a need for a patient-centred groups in Canada. The organization is a volunteer-driven network that strives to ensure that cancer patients voices and needs, remain an important part of cancer control strategies developed in the country.

Canadian Cancer Action Network
145 King Street West, Suite 900
Toronto, Ontario, M5H 1J8
Phone: 416-619- 5784
Toll Free: 1-866-378-1986


Through this website, CancerFightClub will provide you (adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, and survivors, caregivers, family and friends) virtually instant access to the people, resources and support services which can help guide your treatment and self-care decisions throughout your cancer experience. Be it through medical, psychosocial, rehabilitation, life management or peer support, CancerFightClub wants all young adults to know that no matter where you find yourselves, they are in your corner!

Young Adult Cancer Canada

Young Adult Cancer Canada is a network of young Canadians who have been diagnosed with cancer. The web page is meant to be a support system through community empowerment. The organization offers young cancer patients and survivors the ability to share their stories online and attend retreats where they can meet other young cancer patients and survivors. They also host a yearly survivor conference where they can network and learn about life after cancer.

Young Adult Cancer Canada:
Phone: 709-519-7325
Fax: 709- 579- 7326
Toll Free: 1-877-571-7325