2020 Webinar Series

The CCSN webinar series is of interest to patients, survivors, family, friends, caregivers, and any member of the community interested in the best possible care and follow-up for cancer patients and survivors.  The impact of volunteering and taking positive action to effect change are important elements in the transition to post-treatment life.

Remarkable Cancer Survivor’s Guide to Radical Remission – An Oncologist’s Perspective

Date held: December 16, 2020

In this final presentation of the 8-part series, Dr. Rob Rutledge shares his deepest beliefs about the conditions people can create in their lives to manifest the miraculous. He has been studying the attributes and actions of remarkable cancer survivors for over 30 years.

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Remarkable Cancer Survivor’s Guide to: Nurturing a Spiritual Perspective

Date held: December 9, 2020

In this webinar, Dr. Rutledge was joined by Rev. David Maginley (Hospital Chaplain, cancer survivor, and author) to offer ways of tapping into the most mysterious and healing part of our humanness. They discussed near-death and end-of-death life experiences and other aspects of positive spirituality. This presentation was inclusive of people from all spiritual orientations including those who consider themselves atheists.

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Virtual Action Week Webinar 

Date held: December 3, 2020

In this webinar Conrad Eder, CCSN’s Public Policy Analyst, takes us through a recap of the last four weeks in which we virtually met with MPPs throughout Ontario to discuss our COVID-19 and Cancer Care Disruption Survey. Our survey confirmed that the cancellation and postponement of essential cancer services triggered another public health crisis.

In the meetings, we highlighted some of the key findings of our survey, shared stories from cancer patients and advocates, and discussed the need to ensure that access to cancer care remains a priority amidst a pandemic.

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The Remarkable Cancer Survivor’s Guide to Transforming Emotional Energy for Healing

Date held: November 25, 2020

In this webinar, Psychotherapist Timothy Walker, PhD, and Oncologist Rob Rutledge talk about how releasing suppressed emotions and increasing positive emotions are two of the ways remarkable cancer survivors facilitate their own healing. Join as they review this little-discussed topic and outline ways people can do this deeper work to promote health and happiness.

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How to hold a Successful Meeting with your MP or Provincial Representative

Date held: November 19, 2020

In this webinar, Ryan Clarke, founder of Advocacy Solutions will remind attendees of the process for developing an effective advocacy strategy. People will be taken through a review of how to tell your personal story, and everyone will understand the key steps to holding a successful meeting during the current pandemic.

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The Remarkable Cancer Survivor’s Guide to a Healthy Relationship with Stress

Date held: November 12, 2020

In this webinar, learn how you can work with stress in a way that empowers you and nurtures your body’s natural capacity to heal. Oncologist Rob Rutledge offers a multi-level teaching seminar full of practical ways to transform and reframe stress based on the latest of brain science and proven healing techniques.

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Listening and Learning: EMPaCT – exploring ways to partner with those who are seldom heard

Date held: October 29, 2020

In this webinar, Alies Maybee, a patient partner, and Ambreen Sayani, a patient-oriented researcher, explore ways to listen and learn from seldom heard patient populations. Both speakers share their experiences in the world of patient engagement, discuss the need to include patient-identified priorities in the delivery of healthcare and reflect on the current structure of patient partnerships which can be exclusionary. As a way forward, Alies and Ambreen introduce Equity-Mobilizing Partnerships in Community (EMPaCT) as an approach which strives to centre diverse patient voices, create a culture of listening and learning from the experiences of patient partners and develop a learning healthcare system ecosystem which is responsive to the needs of all patients in order to improve health outcomes, in particular health equity.

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The Remarkable Cancer Survivor’s Guide to a Healing Diet

Date held: October 28, 2020

In this webinar, Oncologist Rob Rutledge provides an overview of the components of a Healing Diet and addresses many of the issues people have about this controversial topic. Following a Healing Diet is among the most powerful ways remarkable cancer survivors maximize their chances of healing and recovery.

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Canadian Cancer Rehabilitation (CanRehab) Team: Improving the systematic identification, management, and treatment of the adverse effects of cancer

Date held: Oct 22, 2020

In this webinar, Dr. Jennifer Jones discusses the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and how it can result in chronic side effects that can interfere with a person’s ability to work, engage socially, and do daily activities. There is an urgent need for research that can help to inform care for cancer survivors, including the early identification of physical side effects and the development of effective cancer rehabilitation treatments that can be supported and maintained by our health care system.

The CanRehab Team brings together a large group of patients, researchers, and clinicians at four Canadian centres and includes three concurrent projects focused on improving access to effective, appropriate, and timely cancer rehabilitation (CanRehab Team).

The objectives of the presentation are:
1) to provide a background on cancer rehabilitation;
2) to introduce the CanRehab Team projects; and
3) to provide an overview of the team structure including a call for interest to the Patient Advisory Committee.

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The Remarkable Cancer Survivor’s Guide to Healing at the Level of the Body

Date held: October 14, 2020

In this webinar, Oncologist Rob Rutledge provides practical ways to unleash the body’s healing potential through physical habits and techniques – done with an attitude of peace, love and gratitude.

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 Your Advocacy Toolkit

Date held: October 8, 2020

In this webinar, Ryan Clarke, Founder of Advocacy Solutions will introduce attendees to the concept of an advocacy toolkit. People will be taken through a series of advocacy tools for inclusion in their toolkit and everyone will understand how advocacy toolkits have evolved in the context of COVID-19.

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What Men Told Us – CCSN Prostate Cancer Survey Results

Date held: October 1, 2020

In this webinar, Filomena will be reviewing the results of CCSN’s National Prostate Cancer Survey based on the recently released Prostate Cancer Survey Report. The webinar promises to be insightful as it will identify and highlight the overarching themes that resonated consistently throughout the survey results from survey respondents. The results will be presented according to the patient, survivor, and caregiver perspective who all provided meaningful and thoughtful input. Join us as we learn more about the prostate cancer journey, and the need to better inform and support prostate cancer patients and their caregivers in Canada.

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The Remarkable Cancer Survivor’s Guide to Getting the Best of Conventional and Complementary Medicine

Date held: September 30, 2020

In this webinar Oncologist Rob Rutledge provided an overview of cancer, its treatment and how to get the best medical care in this empowering presentation. He follows with practical advice about diverse complementary treatments and techniques, and how to integrate them into your healing journey.

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CCSN’s Remarkable Cancer Survivor’s Guide to: Healing & Recovery

Date held: September 17, 2020

In this first webinar of our 8-part Empowerment Series, Dr. Rob Rutledge will teach you how to maximize your chance of recovery after a cancer diagnosis. He will also give an overview of everything you need to do to heal physically and otherwise. From getting the best care from the medical system, to practicing proven mind-body techniques, to nurturing a spiritual path, you will learn what remarkable cancer survivors can do to manifest health and happiness.

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Advocacy Overview – Shaping the Advocacy Agenda

Date held: September 10, 2020

In this webinar Ryan Clarke, President and Founder of Advocacy Solutions, will introduce you to the foundational components of advocacy and take you through the step-by-step process of developing an effective advocacy strategy. He will also help us gain an understanding of how shaping the advocacy agenda is evolving in the context of COVID-19.

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Canada’s Drug Pricing Rules 

Date held: July 16, 2020

In this webinar our presenters, Wayne Critchley from Global Public Affairs and Ryan Clarke from Advocacy Solutions, and CCSN present you with a chance to learn more about changes to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) and receive guidance about how to support the cancer community’s engagement at this stage of regulatory reform.

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Impact of COVID 19 Crisis on Cancer Patients and Their Ability to Receive Treatment

Date held: July 15, 2020

In this webinar Marjut Huotari, VP-Healthcare Insights at Leger, and CCSN present the results of the COVID-19 and Cancer Care Disruption in Canada Survey and hear from members of the cancer community about how the pandemic has directly impacted them.

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Getting Motivated to Get Moving

Date held: May 21, 2020

In this webinar Rachel Mark of Inspire Health, will lead us through a workshop geared towards helping you to transform your best intentions to exercise into action. Getting us all motivated to get moving!

Rachel is a Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP) with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), a Registered Kinesiologist with the BC Association of Kinesiologists (BCAK), and a Registered Yoga Teacher.

This webinar workshop will help you to transform your best intentions to exercise into action. After exploring the benefits of exercise and recommended guidelines, we will discuss the tips and tools to getting started and sticking to a regular exercise plan. We will also address commonly experienced barriers to activity, including self-isolation at home.

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Healthy Eating during COVID 19 Self Isolation

Date held: May 14, 2020

In this webinar attendees will learn how to maintain a healthy diet while isolated in their homes. Presented by Registered Dietician, Lynda Soberanes, MSc, this webinar will 1. Discuss nutrition-related challenges, questions and fears that many individuals are facing. 2. They will provide strategies attendees can use for problems with food access and changes to their routine. 3. Demonstrate how nutrition can support your mental well-being and your immune system. 4.Discuss the importance of taking care of yourself during and after the COVID-19 self-isolation, as well as explain some of the services that you can access at InspireHealth.

InspireHealth’s mission is to inspire people affected by cancer to enhance their quality of life and well-being by integrating wisdom and evidence-informed practices that support mind, body and spirit.

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Goals of Treatment of Lung Cancer

Date held: Feb 27, 2020

In this webinar Dr. Krista Noonan is a medical oncologist specializing in thoracic and genitourinary malignancies at BC Cancer, Surrey Centre. Her research interests focus on thoracic and genitourinary malignancies and health services research. On Thursday, February 27, join Dr. Noonan as she: – Reviews the advancements in systemic therapy in lung cancer over the past decade – Highlights how the advancements in systemic therapy have dramatically improved quality of life and length of life.

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Breast Screening and Breast Density

Date held: Feb 14, 2020

In this webinar Dr. Paula Gordon will share information on when individuals should start screening for breast cancer, and how often to screen – in order for cancer to be found as early as possible, and to allow the least aggressive options for treatment. Dr. Gordon will also discuss how to screen for recurrence in women who’ve had cancer, explain why these methods are not always offered, and suggest what you can do to improve access to optimal screening.

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Telling Your Personal Story Through Advocacy

Date held: January 30, 2020

In this webinar attendees will learn important factors in telling personal stories through advocacy while covering the following: 1. How to develop and deliver personal stories in the context of better supporting their advocacy efforts.
2. Viewers will be taken through some specific advocacy tools and shown how best to incorporate personal stories in each circumstance. 3. Everyone will understand why the personal story is one of the pillars of effective advocacy.

Ryan has a Masters Degree in Political Science from McMaster University and has spent more than 20 years specializing in public policy and government relations at the municipal, provincial, and federal level.

Join CCSN and Ryan Clarke for this educational session aimed at helping cancer patients and survivors become more effective advocates by harnessing their personal stories.

The webinar was followed by a question & answer session.

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