These are the questions we posed to candidates running in the 2023 Alberta Provincial Election. The responses can be found below.
If elected, will your government:
a) Create a permanent lung cancer screening program that covers the entire province?
b) Provide access in this program for at risk individuals who do not currently or have never smoked, specifically those who have incidental pulmonary nodules?
c) Add radon to Alberta’s lung cancer screening program and make radon tests free of charge to Albertans worried about radon exposure?
d) Address the issue of long wait times and limited access to dedicated cancer-related care and services?
e) Address the underlying causes of these wait times, such as workforce shortages, funding shortages, and inadequate infrastructure?
f) Allow women to self-refer for a mammogram, starting at age 40?
United Conservative Party Response
The UCP has been proud to support AHS in moving forward in cancer care screening, diagnosis, and care in spite of the strain of the pandemic
Two exciting steps are the lung cancer screening pilot project and lowering the age for routine breast cancer screening, both announced in 2022.
These are exciting steps and we hope they’ll help identify cancer earlier and improve outcomes for patients. Alberta was the first province to make the change in breast cancer screening; it’s just the latest example of a long record of leadership in cancer care in this province.
As in other provinces, our clinicians and scientists constantly evaluate emerging diagnostic and treatment approaches, and implement them based on the best available evidence. The updated breast cancer screening guideline was created by the Alberta Breast Cancer Screening Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) Committee after extensive review of new available evidence.
AHS will decide on the next steps for both these screening programs. The use of any specific diagnostic or treatment technology is not a political decision; it’s decided by AHS based on the advice of their expert clinicians about what is the best care for patients and the best use of resources.
A re-elected UCP government will continue to support AHS in making decisions based on the best evidence, and ensure they have the resources needed to provide world-class cancer care in world-class facilities, including the new Calgary Cancer Centre.
We’re spending a record Health budget to add capacity across the health system, including an increase of nearly $1 billion in Budget 2023, on top of what was already a record budget. We have more physicians, nurses and other professionals working in the system than ever before. But the strain of the past 3 years means wait times for cancer and other care remain a challenge across Canada.
We’re supporting AHS in increasing cancer care and reducing wait times. In April, Health Minister Jason Copping confirmed that AHS was doing around 10% more cancer surgeries than in 2018-19 under the previous NDP government. As well, Budget 2023 includes a 10% increase in funding for cancer drugs. Access to cancer care in general is comparable to 2018-19 but many patients still wait too long, so we’ll keep resourcing AHS to bring wait times for cancer surgery and other care down further.
We promised Albertans in 2019 that every patient who needs scheduled surgery would get it within a clinically appropriate time. We stand by that promise and we’re working to deliver on it in 2024, just one year later than our original commitment, in spite of the strain of the past 3 years. Albertans will have by far the best access to scheduled surgery that’s ever been provided by our publicly funded health system in any province in Canada.”
Alberta NDP response
Dear Jackie Manthorne and valued members of the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network,
Thank you for reaching out and engaging with the Alberta NDP during this critical election.
We are committed to building a better future for Alberta. Access to high-quality healthcare and good health outcomes are key components of this. We know that many Albertans have been impacted by cancer in some way, either going through treatment themselves or supporting loved ones who are diagnosed.
Danielle Smith has explicitly said a stage four cancer diagnosis is within an individual's control. This comment is dangerous and disturbing. The Alberta NDP will instead respect science, honour the dignity of cancer patients, support them and their families, and listen to the medical community.
The Alberta NDP is committed to improving healthcare in Alberta.
Recruitment, Retention, and Family Health Teams
The Alberta NDP will undertake the largest healthcare recruitment and retention strategy the province has ever seen. This will help cut wait times and expand access to services. Currently, 800,000 Albertans do not have a family doctor - this must change. Family doctors are a cornerstone of preventative medicine. They do vital screening and testing that can make all the difference regarding good health outcomes, quality of life, and overall well-being.
We have heard concerning stories from Albertans who have been diagnosed with cancer and were unable to access the healthcare they need under the UCP. Cancer patients in Alberta sometimes had to wait to get life-saving surgeries, and treatments, and to see cancer specialists. This is unacceptable and points to the many issues that stem from the UCP’s poor leadership and lack of healthcare support.
With the Alberta NDP, if you need to see a doctor, you will be able to see a doctor in a matter of days and always free of charge. This is our commitment to all Albertans. We will invest $350 million to establish 40 new Family Health Clinics and $400 million to hire an additional 4,000 allied health professionals across the province. We will also provide fair compensation to incent clinics to open on evenings and weekends to give patients more flexibility when they need to access care.
Supporting Cancer Research
We will open and staff the Calgary Cancer Centre and the Alberta Cancer Innovation HUB. We are proud of the cancer research that happens in our province. It helps countless individuals as they go through treatment, and it saves lives. This is why we are committed to supporting and expanding cancer research in Alberta.
An Alberta NDP government will acknowledge and respect the tremendous medical research talent in the province. We want to support this potential by making sure researchers have the tools needed to be on the cutting edge of cancer research in Alberta, Canada, and the world.
Growing cancer research capacity in Alberta will allow the development of groundbreaking solutions, create good-paying jobs, and support the export of these innovations internationally. This project could solidify Alberta as a leader in cancer research. We are excited by its potential and its ability to support our vision of better healthcare and a better future for all Albertans.
Improving Women’s Healthcare
We are committed to making sure women have access to high-quality healthcare. We know that currently, many women wait years from the onset of symptoms, especially in gynecological care, until diagnosis. These years are the difference between treatable health issues, to catastrophic outcomes. It is a systemic issue, and we are committed to working to address it.
To do this, we will work with the women’s health community, listen to experts, engage in best practices, and continue to evolve women’s healthcare screenings and treatment to align with advice from the medical community.
We are grateful for your time and consideration. If elected, we will look forward to continuing working with you to ensure Albertans have excellent access to cancer screening and treatment throughout the province.
The Alberta NDP
Alberta Party Response
Thank you for your email.
I do not know of anyone who has not been touched by cancer.
The Alberta Party is committed to ensure that patients receive tests, treatments, and procedures that are necessary and add value to their care. This includes improving the quality of care through evidenced based best practices.
The Alberta Party would consult physicians, healthcare providers, professional associations, and patients to ensure that the above is achieved.
Derek Connick
Alberta Party
Alberta Liberal Party
Question 1 response: Lung Cancer Screening
The Alberta Liberal Party believes one of the most critical improvements we can make to healthcare is emphasizing preventative care and identifying health issues earlier rather than later. Not only does this vastly improve the quality of life for Albertans, but it also helps drive down long term costs in healthcare and reduces strain on the system. Given this:
A) We support creating a permanent lung cancer screening program that covers the entire province in order to better detect and treat lung cancer early.
B) We support expanding access to this program for all at risk-individuals, not only those who smoke or have smoked
C) We support adding radon screening to Alberta's lung cancer screening program free of charge for Albertans worried about radon exposure.
Question 2 response: Wait Times and Limited Access to Care
D) Alberta Liberals are committed to reducing long wait times and limited access to dedicated cancer specialists. We will work with existing specialists to identify barriers to recruiting more specialists, inefficiencies in scheduling and bookings, and strategies for reducing burnout to better retain current specialists in the province.
E) Addressing the underlying systematic causes of wait times is critically important. We will work to make Alberta a more desirable destination for specialists, find ways to upgrade key infrastructure, and make further improvements to the system. We will listen to and work collaboratively with patients and healthcare specialists to identify problems and solutions.
Question 3 response: Breast Cancer Screening
F) In line with our commitment to preventative care and early identification of health issues, we fully support allowing women to self-refer for monograms after 40.
Allen Schultz (Alberta Party: Calgary-Edgemont)
I was asked by our candidate Allen Schulz to reply to your questionnaire on behalf of the Alberta Party.
We are committed to ensuring evidence-based and efficient health care. Your specific proposals are very much in line with this objective. We will not be forming government this time, but if we were to do so in the future, these are very much the kinds of ideas we would consider and prioritize.
We have also proposed the creation of a Wellness Foundation of Alberta which would focus on evidence-based, primary prevention initiatives. Your proposed lung cancer screening program is clearly the kind of initiative that such a foundation could take on.
Your concern with wait times and access to care is shared by a great many Albertans. The Alberta Party is committed to ensuring that patients receive tests, treatments, and procedures that are necessary and add value to their care.
Your concern with breast cancer screening raises the larger issue of how primary care physicians act as gatekeepers for services that are only available through referral. We support Integrated Primary Care in order to ensure improved patient outcomes, better qualify of life, longer life expectancy, improved patient experience, and lower overall costs. You have presented convincing evidence that earlier screening would serve these objectives, and Integrated Primary Care teams could help make it available.
Thank you for asking our opinion and for taking the time to participate in the political process.
Yours sincerely,
John Gee
Chief Financial Officer
Alberta Party
Jennifer Yeremiy (Alberta Party: Calgary-North West)
Thank you very much for your email and your persistence. The Alberta Party believes in outcome-based, long-term planning in Healthcare focused on prevention in every aspect: annual exams, prescreening, improved and early diagnosis, advancement in technology to support staff shortages, self-regulation, and addiction prevention education and regulation.
My vision of success for Alberta is to have 2050 goals across the government, focused on balancing the needs of our economy with the needs of our people and the environment. My energy experience has led me to the concept of life-cycle management of all of our precious resources: people, air, water, food, land, biodiversity, and resources to sustain a healthy and productive community.
I am supportive of all of the initiatives of CCSN, greater investment in screening and preventative medicine is primary. Using a life-cycle management approach will consider the staff and resource requirements based on community growth and demographics to support positive outcomes. There is no question our Healthcare system is in crisis and we need to be creative to ensure both healthcare workers are supported and resources are shared for maximum benefit. Finally, the ABP supports a Citizen’s Assembly approach to good governance, where experts like in CCSN, are included in decision-making processes, along with other Healthcare professions.
I have attached my complete platform document for your consideration. Should you wish to discuss this further, I am available at your earliest convenience.
Jenny Yeremiy
Calgary-North West Alberta Party MLA Candidate
Leila Keith (Alberta Liberal Party: Calgary-Elbow)
I believe you have brought up some important points for cancer treatment and addressing wait times, treatment options and screening. I am totally in favor of what you propose for all 3 questions.There does need to be a prevention,treatment and awareness program.
As a cancer survivor who was blessed with early detection of my thyroid cancer, I am grateful I had a knowledgeable doctor and access to Healthcare at no cost so I could receive treatment early to produce a good outcome so far.
I applaud you and your organization to raise these issues.
Leila Keith
Alberta Liberal Party Candidate,
Calgary Elbow, Calgary, Alberta
Landen Tischer (New Democrat Party: Athabasca-Barrhead-Westlock)
I’m not a doctor, and I have no experience with the cancer treatment. I would only be referring to studies and the direction of the parties professional contacts.
Laine Larson (United Conservative Party: Edmonston-Rutherford)
Good afternoon Jackie,
On behalf of Laine Larson, UCP Candidate for Edmonton-Rutherford, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your recent e-mail message requesting his participation in your survey. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate this request, and as such have passed it to the party for a response.
However, I will pass on the information you have share to Laine for his consideration. Thank you for the work you do for the Canadian Cancer Survivors Network.
Laine’s Campaign Team