The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network is once again asking questions of the parties and candidates during the 2019 Manitoba election campaign.
Their responses will be posted in this section as we receive them.
We hope that this information will help you when you direct your concerns to your provincial representatives.
To become involved in CCSN’s political advocacy campaigns, please contact jmanthorne@survivornet.c
Dear Candidate/Party,
Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians is expected to be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetime. It was estimated that in 2017 alone, 206,200 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in Canada.[1] This includes 6,700 people in Manitoba, with approximately 2,900 dying of cancer each year. Clearly, this life-threatening illness affects entire communities, especially families, friends and co-workers.
The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network (CCSN) is a national network of patients, families, survivors, friends, families, community partners and sponsors. Its mission is to work together by taking action to promote the very best standard of care, support, follow up and quality of life for patients and survivors. It aims to educate the public and policy makers about cancer survivorship and encourage research on ways to alleviate barriers to optimal cancer care in Canada.
Healthcare is important to Manitobans, and the government of Manitoba has an important role to play in making sure that everyone diagnosed with cancer has timely access to cancer care and essential medical services as well as access to emergency rooms and the treatment and medications they need.
We invite you to respond to the following questions related to cancer care and healthcare in Manitoba. Your responses will be circulated to cancer patients, caregivers and survivors in Manitoba and posted on our website, and on our social media.
Question 1: National Pharmacare
The Moving Forward on Implementing National Pharmacare Report () calls for the creation of the Canadian Drug Agency, a new agency that would take a coordinated approached to assessing effectiveness and negotiating prescription drug prices; a national formulary; and a national strategy for high-cost drugs for rare diseases.
If elected to government, will your party:
- Support a National Pharmacare program by joining the Canadian Drug Agency?
- How would your government ensure that a National Pharmacare program will not reduce the number of prescription medicines available to patients?
Question 2: Tobacco Control
According to the No Manitoban Left Behind: Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Report Card,[2] “Manitoba has some strengths in tobacco control… However, shortcomings…are stifling progress in tobacco reduction.”
If elected to government, will your party:
- Develop and implement a comprehensive tobacco framework that includes public education, policy and legislation, cessation programs, taxation and community/school programs, as included in the Summary Areas of Improvement listed in the No Manitoban Left Behind report?
- Implement a social responsibility fee on the tobacco industry similar in design to the fee required by the US FDA, with funds collected used to update programming to reduce tobacco use?
Question 3: Breast Density
Over 40% of women over the age of 40 have dense breasts. Having dense breasts can make it more difficult for radiologists to detect cancer because dense breast tissue and cancer both appear white on a mammogram, creating a masking effect. As well, dense breasts increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. Women need to know their breast density so they can be proactive and mitigate their risk of a later stage diagnosis.
If elected to government, will your party:
- Commit to notifying ALL women of their breast density in their mammogram results letter?
- Commit to raising public awareness and education on breast density?
Question 4: Palliative Care
Manitobans live longer today than they used to, and they are becoming increasingly aware that the quality of life during those additional years is what really matters. Better advanced care planning and earlier integration of palliative care into the continuum of care in Manitoba would help avoid unnecessary and costly use acute care while providing enhanced quality of life for aging Manitobans. This will require an intentional focus on system-wide changes.
If elected to government, will your party:
- Provide specific dollars to support organizations and healthcare teams implementing palliative care programming, including increasing the number of residential hospice care beds in the province?
- Increase the number of healthcare providers and services that focus on palliative care in the community and rural settings?
- Legislate changes to allow patients simultaneous access to both the Palliative Care Drug Access Program and the Home Cancer Drug program to allow seamless transition at end of life?
Question 5: Manitoba All-Party Cancer Caucus
If elected as an MLA, would you be interested in serving on the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network’s Manitoba All-party Cancer Caucus? The caucus will meet yearly and study issues vital to cancer patients and caregivers in Manitoba. Please respond ‘yes’ if interested.
We thank you for your attention to these important matters.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Manthorne
Canadian Cancer Survivor Network in collaboration with:
Canadian Cancer Society (Prairies)
Dense Breasts Canada
Manitoba Health Coalition
[1] Canadian Cancer Society,
[2] Prepared for the Government of Manitoba by the Canadian Cancer Society, the Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance (MANTRA), the Lung Association, Manitoba, and the Heart & Stroke Foundation, Manitoba
Wab Kinew (NDP: Fort Rouge Electoral District)
Please note that the following MLA's responded to CCSN's questions with the same response as Manitoba's NDP leader Wab Kinew, which is provided further below.
- Chris Pullen (Red River North Electoral District)
- Jonathan Niemczak (River Heights Electoral District)
- Adrien Sala (St. James Electoral District)
- Danielle Adams (Thompson Electoral District)
- Lisa Naylor (Wolseley Electoral District)
Question 1 response:
a) If elected, will your government support a National Pharmacare progress by joining the Canadian Drug Agency?
Yes - but we will make Manitoba a leading voice advocating the creation of a universal national Pharmacare program that meets the needs of all Canadians and completes the unfinished work of medicare. We will work with the Federal government to lower drug costs for Manitoba families through this work.
b) If do, how would your government ensure that a National Pharmacare program will not reduce the number of prescription medicines available to patients?
We need a universal, national and fully public pharmacare system. Any national pharmacare program must be comprehensive in its coverage and ensure no Canadian is left worse off by
a transition to a pharmacare program. Through a national program we will work together to ensure drug prices remain affordable through bulk purchasing and we wil seek out generics and biosimilars wherever possible. We wil also work together with Pharmacists to establish best practices to ensure affordable drug prices.
Question 2 response:
a) If elected, will your work to develop and implement a comprehensive tobacco framework that includes public education, policy and legislation. Cessation programs, taxation and community/schools programs, as included in the Summary Areas of Improvement listed in the No Manitoban Left Behind Report?
We are committed to the promotion of Smoking Cessation programs in the province of Manitoba. We will transform healthcare for Manitobans, starting by appointing a Minister Responsible for Mental Health and Addictions and we will commit to a comprehensive tobacco cessation program that includes public education, policy, legislation, cessation
program, taxation and community/school programs.
b) Will you work to implement a social responsibility fee on the tobacco industry similar in design to the fee required by the US FDA, with funds collected used to update programming
to reduce tobacco use?
We advocated for the cost of tobacco to not decrease with the recent reduction in sales tax because we know this could lead to an increase in tobacco usage. We will continue to stress
education and enforcement to help reduce the use of tobacco in society.
Question 3 response:
a) Will you and your party commit to notifying ALL women about their breast density in their mammogram results letter?
We've seen the science and we know how important breast density is to early detection. The NDP supports notifying all women of their breast density in their mammogram results. We believe that sharing breast density results directly with all women will better inform and support Manitobans in monitoring their breast health and their breast screening results. We believe that better access to breast density information is an important step for women's health, and we support empowering women to manage their own health and have informed
conversations with their care providers.
b) Will you and your party commit to raising public awareness and education on breast density?
We would fully commit to work with public advocacy groups to raise public awareness on this important issue of breast density.
Question 4 response:
a) If elected, will you support providing specific dollars to support organizations and healthcare teams in implementing palliative care programming, including increasing the
number of residential hospice care beds in the province?
We are committed to improving palliative care in the province of Manitoba with better training for healthcare professionals and by developing a new province-wide palliative care strategy. We know end of life care requires the training, support and attention of all parts of the medical system and will work with front line professionals to develop best practices, training and connections between care providers to ensure patients receive the best palliative care possible. We will also improve home care services for patients who may be also
receiving palliative care as well.
b) Will you support increasing the number of healthcare providers and services that focus on palliative care in the community and rural settings?
The development of a palliative care strategy would be comprehensive. It would take into consideration how palliative care is performed in Manitoba with equal attention given to services that focus on palliative in the community and rural settings. It would also focus on improving of home care services for patients in rural and remote settings. We are committed to hiring more nurses, nurse practitioners and front line health care providers to ensure
patients receive appropriate palliative care and families have the supports they need.
c) Will you support legislating changes to allow patients simultaneous access to both the Palliative Care Drug Access Program and the Home Cancer Drug program to allow seamless
transition at end of life?
We will work with care providers and policy makers to ensure there is a seamless transition between the Home Cancer Drug Program and the Palliative Care Drug Access Program for patients.
Question 5 response:
If elected as MLA, would you be interested in serving on the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network's Manitoba All-party Cancer Caucus? Yes, if re-elected, I would be interested in serving on the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network's Manitoba All-party Cancer caucus.
Official Green Party Response
Question 1 response:
a) If elected, will your government support a National Pharmacare program by joining the Canadian Drug Agency?
- The Green party of Manitoba has a policy and is dedicated to work with all agencies and levels of government to help institute a national Pharmacare program and will be dedicated to ensure people receive the medications they need at an affordable price.
b) If so, how would your government ensure that a National Pharmacare program will not reduce the number of prescription medicines available to patients?
- Greens put the well-being of people first, ahead of corporate profits and would ensure essential medications are all available to those in need of such medication.
Question 2 response:
If elected, will you work to:
a) Develop and implement a comprehensive tobacco framework that includes public education, policy and legislation, cessation programs, taxation and community/school programs, as included in the Summary Areas of Improvement listed in the No Manitoban Left Behind report?
- The Green Party of Manitoba is dedicated to healthy living and taking preventative measure to ensure the health of people. Preventative measure such as cessation programs are all part of a healthy living program. More work is needed and realized to assist in reducing health costs through healthy living and illness prevention.
b) Implement a social responsibility fee on the tobacco industry similar in design to the fee required by the US FDA, with funds collected used to update programming to reduce tobacco use?
- In order to promote and achieve a healthier society, the Green Party of Manitoba will omit to social responsibility fees and put the funds directly back to assist in reducing tobacco use.
Question 3 response:
If elected to government, will you and your party:
a) Commit to notifying ALL women of their breast density in their mammogram results letter?
- The Green Party of Manitoba will commit to notification for all women regarding their mammogram results with respect to breast density.
b) Commit to raising public awareness and education on breast density?
- The Green Party would absolutely stand behind public awareness of breast density and potential risks where women are concerned.
Question 4 response:
If elected, will you support:
a) Providing specific dollars to support organizations and healthcare teams in implementing palliative care programming, including increasing the number of residential hospice care beds in the province?
- The Green Party of Manitoba would conduct an assessment of gaps or shortages in the health care system and allocate funding where necessary to make up for the shortfall. We are also committed to implementing changes that avoid unnecessary use of costly services and that are of benefit to individuals in care.
b) Increasing the number of healthcare providers and services that focus on palliative care in the community and rural settings?
- The Green Party of Manitoba will support providing an appropriate amount of care givers to any area in the province lacking in necessary care.
c) Legislating changes to allow patients simultaneous access to both the Palliative Care Drug Access Program and the Home Cancer Drug program to allow seamless transition at end of life?
- The Green party of Manitoba is committed to ensuring medications are accessible and affordable for all Manitobans, and would support measures like this in order to ensure patients are able to access the medications they need.
Question 5 response:
If elected as MLA, would you be interested in serving on the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network’s Manitoba All-party Cancer Caucus? The caucus will meet yearly and study issues vital to cancer patients and caregivers in Manitoba.
Please respond ‘yes’ if interested
- Yes
Mike Urichuk (Green Party: Morden-Wrinkler Electoral District)
Question 1 response:
a) If elected, will your government support a National Pharmacare program by joining the Canadian Drug Agency?
- Yes, our government strongly believes in ensuring comprehensive healthcare for all people.
b) If so, how would your government ensure that a National Pharmacare program will not reduce the number of prescription medicines available to patients?
- The work to ensure a wide offering of medications to patients will be done in the formation of the national formulary. We fully recognize that the effectiveness and side-effects of medications vary from person to person. To truly support comprehensive healthcare for all people we need to ensure a wide selection of medications on the national formulary. Through consultation and collaboration with medical professionals, researchers, patients, and other levels of government we will work to ensure the formulary lists a wide-range of medications and is updated regularily to reflect the diverse needs of Manitobans.
Question 2 response:
a) Develop and implement a comprehensive tobacco framework that includes public education, policy and legislation, cessation programs, taxation and community/school programs, as included in the Summary Areas of Improvement listed in the No Manitoban Left Behind report?
- The Green Party of Manitoba has identified an importance for preventative healthcare. The No Manitoban Left Behind Report suggests common sense reform and I will certainly work towards implementing the recommendations.
b) Implement a social responsibility fee on the tobacco industry similar in design to the fee required by the US FDA, with funds collected used to update programming to reduce tobacco use?
- Manitoba currently has the highest tobacco taxes in the country, however, the revenue received do not cover the health related costs of tobacco usage. Sustainable funding models are a necessity for effective public policy. I will work towards ensuring funds collected from tobacco taxes are used to reduce tobacco usage.
Question 3 response:
If elected to government, will you and your party:
a) Commit to notifying ALL women of their breast density in their mammogram results letter?
- Through consultation with medical professionals we will ensure that this information is shared with patients. It is not enough to continue with our current system.
b) Commit to raising public awareness and education on breast density?
- It is important to make the public, as well as professionals, aware of the impact breast density has on mammograms and therefore cancer diagnosis. I will certainly do this work when elected.
Question 4 response:
If elected, will you support:
a) Providing specific dollars to support organizations and healthcare teams in implementing palliative care programming, including increasing the number of residential hospice care beds in the province?
- I will support this initiative.
b) Increasing the number of healthcare providers and services that focus on palliative care in the community and rural settings?
- I will support this initiative.
c) Legislating changes to allow patients simultaneous access to both the Palliative Care Drug Access Program and the Home Cancer Drug program to allow seamless transition at end of life?
- I will support this initiative.
Question 5 response:
If elected as MLA, would you be interested in serving on the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network’s Manitoba All-party Cancer Caucus? The caucus will meet yearly and study issues vital to cancer patients and caregivers in Manitoba.
- Yes
Official Liberal Party Response
Question 1 response:
a) If elected, will your government support a National Pharmacare program by joining the Canadian Drug Agency?
- Manitoba Liberals believe strongly that no Manitoban should ever be forced to choose between life-saving medication and paying their bills. If elected, our life-saving drugs program would cover the deductibles on medications needed for cystic fibrosis, cancer, diabetes and HIV. Having introduced petitions to the Manitoba Legislature calling on the province to support a National Pharmacare program, a Manitoba Liberal Government will continue to support a National Pharmacare program.
b) If so, how would your government ensure that a National Pharmacare program will not reduce the number of prescription medicines available to patients?
- As part of a National Pharmacare program, price and supply arrangements would need to be negotiated with drug manufacturers to ensure that high demand drugs are readily available. We will work closely with the federal government, drug manufacturers and others along with pharmaceutical supply chain to guarantee a smooth transition while ensuring patients are able to receive needed medications on time when they need them.
Question 2 response:
If elected, will you work to:
a) Develop and implement a comprehensive tobacco framework that includes public education, policy and legislation, cessation programs, taxation and community/school programs, as included in the Summary Areas of Improvement listed in the No Manitoban Left Behind report?
- Manitoba Liberals believe that education and public awareness are the best ways to help people make good decisions about their health. We will work with groups like the Canadian Cancer Society and the Manitoba Ling Association to ensure that the province is an active partner in reducing tobacco use in Manitoba.
b) Implement a social responsibility fee on the tobacco industry similar in design to the fee required by the US FDA, with funds collected used to update programming to reduce tobacco use?
- Manitoba Liberals have promised a province wide tax review which will also be tasked with reviewing fees associated in tobacco, reviewing effectiveness of tax frameworks in order to reduce tobacco use.
Question 3 response:
If elected to government, will you and your party:
a) Commit to notifying ALL women of their breast density in their mammogram results letter?
- Manitoba Liberals will ensure that all women are notified of their breast density in their mammogram results. We are aware that breast density can hide the signs of breast cancer and may make it harder to detect. Manitoba women deserve to know if they are at risk of not catching the signs of breast cancer.
b) Commit to raising public awareness and education on breast density?
- We will commit to increasing public awareness and education on breast density. Our party will also work with community organizations to help increase awareness so that Manitoba’s women are more aware of their health and safety.
Question 4 response:
Manitobans live longer today than they used to, and they are becoming increasingly aware that the quality of life during those additional years is what really matters. Better advanced care planning and earlier integration of palliative care into the continuum of care in Manitoba would help avoid unnecessary and costly use of acute care, while providing enhanced quality of life for aging Manitobans. This will require an intentional focus on system-wide changes.
If elected, will you support:
a) Providing specific dollars to support organizations and healthcare teams in implementing palliative care programming, including increasing the number of residential hospice care beds in the province?
- Manitoba Liberals will empower the health care system and enable them to enact changes in a patient-based and focused model. Under the Pallister government, we have seen healthcare deteriorate within our province. We will commit to increasing the quality of palliative care within Manitoba.
b) Increasing the number of healthcare providers and services that focus on palliative care in the community and rural settings?
- Manitobans deserve to be treated within their communities. Too often we see patients transferred to Winnipeg while lacking their support network which can greatly benefit the recovery process. A Liberal government would mean an increased focus on providing care where Manitobans want it most, in the community.
c) Legislating changes to allow patients simultaneous access to both the Palliative Care Drug Access Program and the Home Cancer Drug program to allow seamless transition at end of life?
- Accessing multiple drug programs is a confusing process for so many Manitobans in need. End-of-life care is a highly sensitive area, ensuring that Manitobans are treated effectively and efficiently is of the utmost importance. End-of-Life care should not lead to undue difficulties or confusion to patients. In addition to our drug program changes, we will work to legislate changes that best transition patients through our health-care system during some of their most sensitive times.
Question 5 response:
If elected as MLA, would you be interested in serving on the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network’s Manitoba All-party Cancer Caucus? The caucus will meet yearly and study issues vital to cancer patients and caregivers in Manitoba.
- Yes
Official Progressive Conservative Party Response
Question 1 response:
Our PC Team understands the importance of having access to prescription drugs when they are needed. Our PC government has made our position clear: we are proud to have an existing comprehensive and universal pharmacare program that is accessible to all Manitobans regardless of age. Manitoba’s Pharmacare program exemplifies many of the attributes that are proposed for a national Pharmacare model. As one of the few provinces in Canada with a Pharmacare program that offers universal coverage, including coverage for cancer drugs without a deductible, we also want to ensure that any move towards national Pharmacare would not erode the accessibility of these benefits to Manitobans.
Our PC government has been continuously asked the federal government to share more details on their plan and will continue to monitor this federal Liberal’s proposal throughout the forthcoming federal election.
If re-elected, our PC government will continue to advocate in the best interests of Manitobans and stride towards creating a health system that works better for all Manitobans.
Question 2 response:
Our PC Team understands the toll that tobacco use takes on families as well as our health care system in Manitoba. We are committed to finding ways to reduce the prevalence of tobacco in our communities. This is why when our PC government reduced the PST, we increased Manitoba’s tobacco tax so that the price of cigarettes would not remain equivalent to their price prior to July 1. This move was praised by the Canadian Cancer Society, the Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance, The Long Association and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
If re-elected, our PC government will continue to look into innovative way in which we can curb the use of tobacco within Manitoba. This could potentially include a smoking cessation program within Manitoba. The Department of Education and Training is also undertaking a K to 12 review in which they will provide recommendations on how to better educate students on the dangers of tobacco use.
Question 3 response:
We are committed to improving women’s health no matter where they live in the province. That is why in February of this year, under our PC government, CancerCare Manitoba, began providing breast density information to women in the highest category of breast density.
Experts at CancerCare Manitoba continue to review whether this information should be shared on a broader scale. If re-elected, we remain committed to listening to the advice of our medical experts.
Question 4: Palliative Care
Our PC team understands the pressures being placed on our health care system as our population continues to age. This issue is not unique to Manitoba – it is a problem throughout the country. It was our PC government who signed the Shared Health Priorities bilateral agreement with the federal government which will provide $400 million over ten years to improve home care and palliative care services available to Manitobans. In particular, we plan to focus on palliative care outside of Winnipeg as we know this is in great need. This agreement was applauded by Palliative Manitoba as well as the Canadian Cancer Society.
If re-elected, a PC government has committed to investing $2 billion into our health care system over the next mandate. We will continue to invest in services that help all Manitobans receive quality patient care.
Question 5: Manitoba All-Party Cancer Caucus
We are always welcome to having advocacy groups come meet with our PC Team to share their ideas on how we can improve our health care system here in Manitoba.