CCSN Questions to Parties and Candidates

The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network has already sent the following questions to the Nova Scotia parties and candidates. We encourage you, your friends or family members to ask our questions of your local candidates. Attend an all candidates’ debate or write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, raise the issues. If you get an answer to one of our questions, let us know and we will post it on our website.

Question 1:

The Canadian Medical Association Journal published research in 2012 that showed one in ten Canadians report they skip doses or decide not to fill prescriptions because of cost, with the second highest incidence of cost nonadherence happening in the Atlantic provinces. If elected to government, what will your party do to make prescription medications more affordable?

Question 2:

If elected to government, will your party change MSI regulations to cover the cost of treatment and pressure garments necessary to treat lymphedema?

Question 3:

A key element of ensuring timely treatment for a Canadian cancer patient is ensuring they have access to the medications they need at the time they need them. Unfortunately, this is not always the case in Nova Scotia. If elected to government, will you commit to ensuring that all cancer patients in Nova Scotia receive timely access to medications at the time they need it?

Question 4:

If elected to government, how will your party ensure that all hospital emergency rooms remain open 24 hours a day, seven days a week?

Question 5:

Is your party in favour of maintaining the same number of health districts in the province? If not, please explain how you would modify the number of health districts and what is the rationale for this policy?