CCSN Questions to Parties & Candidates

The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network has already sent the following questions to the British Columbia parties and candidates. We encourage you, your friends or family members to ask our questions of your local candidates. Attend an all candidates’ debate or write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, raise the issues. If you get an answer to one of our questions, let us know and we will post it on our website.

Question 1:

According to the British Columbia Medical Association, healthcare is the number one issue for British Columbians. British Columbia has been recognized as providing some of the best care for cancer patients in Canada. What are you going to do to improve on this record and continue providing not just good care but good outcomes for cancer patients and survivors in the province?

Question 2:

The Canadian Medical Association Journal published research in 2012 that showed one in ten Canadians report they skip doses or decide not to fill prescriptions because of cost, with the highest incidence of cost non adherence happening in BC.[1] If elected to government, what will you do to make prescription medications more affordable?

Question 3:

A key element of ensuring timely treatment for a cancer patient is ensuring they have access to the medications they need at the time they need them. Unfortunately, this is not always the case in British Columbia. If elected to government, will you commit to ensuring that all cancer patients in British Columbia receive timely access to medications at the time they need it?

Question 4:-1

BC’s PharmaCare Prosthetic and Orthotic Program currently provides some reimbursement for medical devices to treat lymphedema, up to $150 for ready-made compression garments and up to $300 for custom-made garments.[2] However, this is limited to use for the upper body. If elected to government, will you commit to extending current levels of reimbursement for lymphedema treatment so that funding for compression garments is available, regardless of the underlying cause or location of lymphedema?

