The Jewish General Hospital is committed to providing patient and family-centred care. Patient and family advisors will help to understand what matters most to patients and their families. The perspective, feedback and advice from patients or family members helps to shape patient care.
Patients at the Jewish General Hospital within the last five years are eligible to be a patient or family advisor.
Patient and family advisors may:
- Participate in the Patient and Family Advisory Council;
- Take on public speaking to help educate others about patient and family-centred care;
- Work on special hospital projects;
- Attend staff orientation; and
- Participate in committees.
Applicants who are selected for an interview will normally be contacted within 30 days of submission of the application form.
For an application form, please click here.
Submitted application forms should be sent to:
Milena Marn
Quality Program
Jewish General Hospital
3755 Côte Ste. Catherine, A-924
Montréal, QC H3T 1E2
Tel: (514) 340-8222 ext. 23928
For more information, click here.