Montreal, McGill University Health Centre: The Patients’ Committee

The Patients’ Committee is a dedicated group of elected patient representatives available to help those who use the McGill University Health Centre hospitals, clinics and services.

Committee activities can include the following:

  • Listen to patients and meet on a monthly basis to discuss relevant issues;
  • Represent patients on major committees at the hospital such as the Quality and Risk Management Committee and the McGill University Health Centre Board of Directors;
  • Have an official link with the administrative officers;
  • Help improve the quality of the medical and nursing services; and
  • Resolve issues in areas such as patient safety, infection control, and interpersonal relations between doctors and staff.

The Patients’ Committee consists of 15 representatives who are elected by the users of the hospital for a 3-year term of office. The next election will be in February 2016.

The Patients’ Committee is supported by a number of subcommittees. These committees are open to all volunteers and include patient subcommittees at the Montreal General Hospital, the Royal Victoria Hospital, the Montreal Chest Institute, the Montreal Neurological Hospital, the Montreal Children’s Hospital, and the Lachine Hospital.

There is also the Cancer Mission Committee and the Geriatrics/Elder-Friendly Hospital Committee.

To become involved, contact:

MUHC Patients’ Committee

Phone: 514-934-1934, ext. 31968 or email:

For more information click here.