Committees or councils which include patients and family members are one way for you to become involved in your local hospital. You have the opportunity to provide hospital staff and administrators with a patient or family point-of-view of the institution’s services, and to suggest changes to improve these services and make them better respond to the needs of patients and their family members.
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario: Family Forum Council
Membership in the Family Forum consists of up to 20 family advisors. Diversity of CHEO’s families including culture, geography and CHEO experiences among the background of its members is reflected in the group. Members must have experience with CHEO’s services as a former patient, parent/guardian or family member.
Up to 7 resource staff members will sit at Forum meetings representing the following areas: child life, discharge planning, nursing, operations director, patient/family representative, quality management and social work. Resource staff input is at the invitation of the Forum and does not include voting privileges.
New members with recent experience will be recruited as needed through the year to maintain membership to a minimum of 12 members. Perspective members will receive an information package about the Forum, which will be reviewed with them by a member of the Forum Executive. Interested individuals must complete a Patient/Family Advisor Application Form and attend an orientation of 3 meetings before being considered for membership. Orientation will begin at the discretion of the Executive.
There will be 3-year terms, renewable to a maximum of four times (maximum of 12-year membership). Members missing more than 3 meetings without notice, will be contacted by a member of the Executive in order to re-evaluate their ability to commit to the Forum. Members wishing to terminate their membership or request a leave of absence are asked to provide one month’s notice to a member of the Forum Executive.
Meetings are held once a month for two hours with the exception of July and August.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the Family Forum Council, you can apply here.
For more information, please click here or contact the Patient Experience team at (613) 737-7600 ext. 3078 or
Queensway Carleton Hospital: Patient and Family Advisory Council
The Patient and Family Advisory Council is an advisory body to ensure that patient and family experience is involved in the management, planning and evaluation of health service. The goal is to provide ongoing feedback to the hospital leadership team on practices and initiatives related to patient and family centred care such as: quality improvement, policies and procedures, feedback and program development.
The Council membership is comprised of 6-8 patients, family members and caregivers who have received services from the Queensway Carleton Hospital in the last two years. Members are selected through an application process.
Queensway Carleton staff are also included in the council and represent a cross-section of the hospital staff. The term of the position is normally two years.
For more information, please see the Queensway Carleton website. To apply, please contact Susan Barnes, the Acting Patient Relations Ombudsman, at 613-721-2000 ext. 5655 or email at
The Ottawa Hospital: The Champlain Regional Cancer Program Patient and Family Advisory Council
The Champlain Regional Cancer Program Patient and Family Advisory Council provide a way for the staff of the Cancer Program to connect with patients and family members and share advice on delivering care. The main goal is to help support a patient and family-centered care approach across the program.
Patient and Family Advisory Council members provide advice to the Cancer Program so improvements can be made to help other cancer patients and their families. This is done by taking part in regular meetings, as well as by helping out on committees and working groups.
The Patient and Family Advisory Council do not take on the cause of a specific patient or family member, or a special interest group. It also does not fundraise to support its activities or interests.
The Council is made up of patients and family members from across the Champlain Region who have had used the services of the Ottawa Hospital Cancer Program and its regional satellite partners. Meetings are supported by staff who serve as the main link. The Canadian Cancer Society also has a representative on the Patient and Family Advisory Council.
The Patient and Family Advisory Council meet 5 times per year. Meetings are usually held late in the afternoon so members who work are able to attend. Members will also be asked to help out on committees, workgroups, or special projects as needed. Often members are asked for advice and input by email or phone between meetings as well.
The first step to becoming a Patient and Family Advisory Council member is to read the FAQ’s sheet.
For more information, please click here or see the Ottawa Hospital Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).
Any questions should be directed to Gwen Barton, Manager, Patient Experience at 613-737-7700, ext. 73633 Email: