As a patient or family member, whether you are visiting the IWK Health Centre for a single outpatient appointment, for a day in hospital, or for an extended inpatient stay, you have experience using services that have been designed especially for you and your family. Partnership with patients and families is the foundation of our Mission and Vision, and we are committed to providing the best patient and family centred care and services to you and your family.
To do this we need patients and families like you to help us understand what your needs and priorities are when it comes to care and service, and to give us your perspectives in what we do well, and what we could be doing better.
Patient and Family Partners play an important part in the way we work at the IWK. Their input has been invaluable in the decisions we make every day as an organization from projects to programs to policy development to way finding.
Depending on your interest and availability, being a Patient/Family Partner can mean being a member of a committee, council or project team at the Health Centre, or it can take place from the comfort of home, whatever time of day, and where ever you are in the Atlantic Provinces.
For general information, please email or call 902-470-6896.
For information, please click here.
Updated August 8th, 2018