Lymphoma Canada is currently seeking people with diverse backgrounds from across Canada, to join their Patient & Family Advisory Committee (PFAC). The committee will help to ensure programs are relevant and meet the needs of the lymphoma community.
Ideal candidates will have a passion for making a difference in the lives of those touched by lymphoma and a commitment to Lymphoma Canada’s mission. The committee will be made up of diverse representatives from the Canadian lymphoma patient and/or caregiver population, at least one lymphoma healthcare professional and selected Lymphoma Canada staff. The Committee will be co-chaired by a staff member and a patient.
The committee will meet up to six times per year, face to face or via teleconference. From time to time, the committee may decide to form sub-committee working groups to address specific issues or projects.
For more information or to fill out an application online, please click here.
Lymphoma Canada
6860 Century Avenue, Suit 202
Mississauga, ON L5N 2W5
Telephone | Fax: (905) 858-5967
Toll-Free: 1-866-659-5556
General inquiries: