The Gerry & Nancy Pencer Brain Tumour Centre/Princess Margaret Cancer Centre: Patient & Family Advisory Committee
The volunteers meet once a month to provide advice and feedback to the staff of the Pencer Centre. They tell what is being done right, what can be done better and what should be added in the list of programs. Committee members bring vital expertise and perspective to the centre’s activities through their experience as patients, caregivers and family members.
The Patient & Family Advisory Committee helps develop and evaluate all the supportive care and educational materials for people with brain tumours and their families.
The committee’s fundraising activities include the annual Head for a Cure 5K walk. At their annual Open House, they present a moving display that focuses on the experience of living with a brain tumour.
Contact Maureen Daniels, Chair of the Patient & Family Advisory Committee at: 416-946-2240 or
For further information, click here.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Odette Cancer Centre: Patient and Family Advisors
The role is open to all Odette Cancer Centre patients, as well as their family members and/or caregivers.
The Patient and Family Advisor will help the Odette Cancer Centre ensure that the person’s point of view in the context of the cancer experience is heard and integrated into all service and quality improvements.
Most importantly, the patient family advisors will provide the healthcare and management teams at the Odette Cancer Centre with the opportunity to further improve the patient and family experience.
Email them at to express interest for the role and request an application.
For more information, click here.
Ajax, Rouge Valley Health System, Cancer Palliative Community Advisory Committee
This voluntary body is an important advisory group to the Rogue Valley Health System Board of Directors. It is comprised of members, who reflect the diverse communities and viewpoints that make up the Rouge Valley area of east Toronto and west Durham.
The primary purpose of the Community Advisory Group is to ensure that Rogue Valley Health System is made aware of the needs and viewpoints of the community.
Advisory committees provide input and counsel to specific programs.
Cancer/Palliative Community Advisory Committee: This cross site committee is comprised of community and staff representatives from both sites. The group meets four times a year, providing networking opportunities for the cancer care community, promoting awareness of the services in the community and identifying quality issues and educational opportunities for the service.
Other committees open to participants include: Cardiac Care Community Advisory Committee, Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering Mental Health Services Community Advisory Committee, Rouge Valley Centenary Mental Health Services Community Advisory Committee, The Pacers Group, and the Complex Continuing Care Residents’ Council.
Membership terms will initially be 3 years, with the potential for two renewal terms.
Members must live within the Rouge Valley Health System catchment area.
If you are interested in participating on any of their current community/family advisory committees or any of the new ones, please contact David Brazeau, Director, Public Affairs and Community Relations at
For more information about the community advisory committees please click here.
Newmarket, Southlake Regional Health Centre, Stronach Regional Cancer Centre: Patient and Family Advisory Program
The Patient and Family Advisory Program works in partnership with staff and physicians as decisions are made about the delivery of healthcare services at Southlake. A Patient and Family Advisor can be anyone within the past two years who has been a patient or a family member, caregiver or chosen support person to a patient at Southlake.
Their role includes sitting on a council, committee, or working group with Southlake staff and physicians to:
- Assist in the planning and design of programs, services, and facilities;
- Assist in the development of various quality improvement initiatives and projects;
- Provide input into policies, processes, and educational materials; and
- Evaluate services provided.
Participation could be in the Corporate Patient and Family Advisory Council , Program-level Patient and Family Advisory Councils or committees and working groups.
Hours will vary depending upon the nature of the Council, Committee, or Working Group’s mandate. In general, it is expected to be up to 4 hours a week to prepare for and/or attend meetings dependent upon the position.
To express interest, please complete the volunteer application form and return to:
Southlake Regional Health Centre
East Building, Level 1 (next to the Parking Office)
596 Davis Drive
Newmarket, ON
L3Y 2P9
For more information, click here and to view a list of the regional cancer centers click here.