Cancer specific patient & family Advisory Councils

Committees or councils which include patients and family members are one way for you to become involved in your cancer organization. You have the opportunity to provide staff and administrators with a patient or family point-of-view of the services and to suggest changes to improve these services. This will make them better respond to the needs of patients and their family members.

We are in the process of adding patient and family advisory committees or councils to this section on a weekly or even daily basis, and hope over time to include all councils in Canada. If you are aware of a cancer committee from your area not listed in this section, please let us know so that we can add it to our website.

Greater Toronto Area
Cancer Care Nova Scotia: Cancer Patient Family Network
Ottawa Area, Champlain Regional Cancer Program: Patient and Family Advisory Council
Kingston Area, Cancer Care Southeast: Regional Patient and Family Advisory Council
Alberta Health Services: Provincial Advisory Council on Cancer
Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, Patient and Family Advisory Council
Lung Cancer Canada
National: Lymphoma Canada, Patient and Family Advisory Committee