British Columbia

The Council reports to BC Cancer’s Executive Director, Provincial Clinical Programs, and oversees the planning, implementation, and evaluation of activities undertaken by the Working Groups and the Network. Council members strive to ensure timely and equitable oncology care for patients in communities by supporting family physicians, facilitating their integration into the cancer treatment system and developing family practice oncology guidelines and resources.

Working groups collaborate with the provincial Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Health and the BC Medical Association, to develop practical, easy-to-follow cancer care guidelines for family physicians. These guidelines are being prepared according to the Advisory Committee format – brief, evidence-based and taking a proactive approach to the management of cancer as a chronic disease.

Patient Voices Network (PVN)
Fraser Valley Region- Fraser Health: Community Mental Health Advisory Committee
Vancouver Coastal Region-Vancouver Coastal Health: Community Engagement Team
Victoria Area- Island Health: Patient Advisory Council