Alberta Health Services: Health Advisory Councils

There are 12 Health Advisory Councils with respective geographical areas.

The Health Advisory Councils act as an advisory body providing feedback from the public to support strategic direction.

Council members must live within the geographical area defined for each Council. They must be at least 18 years of age and have a demonstrated interest in the health of the community and in health issues generally.

Council members are individuals who can represent diversity within the community and who possess broad knowledge in areas such as mental health, addictions, wellness promotion, education sector, senior’s services, Aboriginal health, children and youth services, disabilities and minorities. Members should be able to fairly represent the diversity of the geographic area of their Council and possess a broad community perspective on health matters rather than be focused on a singular concern or issue.

In addition to attending and participating in Council meetings, members share their views and opinions and represent those of their communities. The local knowledge of members and their insight is important as they receive information and input from the community regarding health needs and services. Members also help to inform and educate the public about health care and help identify opportunities within the community where health care can be improved.

The positions are voluntary, however, out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of Council activities will be reimbursed according to Alberta Health Services guidelines.

Each Council is supported by an Advisory Council Officer from within the Alberta Health Services Community Engagement Department.

Meetings are open to the public unless a Council determines that part or all of a meeting should be private.

Members are expected to attend meetings in person where possible. Use of phone and video conference links will be available when needed to support attendance by all members.

The location of each Council meeting will vary. Each Council considers where it would like to meet and meetings may occur in various locations throughout the Health Advisory Council area. Councils meet four to six times annually.
-Saturday, June 15, 2019
-Saturday, September 14, 2019
-Saturday, December 14, 2019

Locations are:

  • David Thompson (Central Alberta)
  • Greater Edmonton
  • Lakeland Communities
  • Lesser Slave Lake
  • Oldman
  • Palliser
  • Peace
  • Prairie Mountain
  • Tamarack
  • True North
  • Wood Buffalo
  • Yellowhead East

Phone: 1-877-275-8830

Updated August 8th, 2018