Donate today at CanadaHelps! On #GivingTuesday, you showed us that you wanted to help make a difference in the lives of patients, survivors and their families through providing educational webinars on our website & working diligently to give survivors a voice at the board table through our Seat the the Table program. This holiday season, we continue to ask your assistance in pursuing our
Year: 2017
Lung Cancer Awareness Month: A Time to Change Our Thinking
According to Lung Cancer Canada, lung cancer accounts for 27% of all cancer deaths, and yet it receives only 7% of research funding. In fact, lung cancer kills more Canadians than breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer, combined. It’s by far the most deadly cancer, yet it fails to attract the attention or research funding that should accompany its impact. The goal
Breast cancer survivors bear brunt of Canadian Cancer Society-Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation merger
Female survivors of breast cancer in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, recently found out their beloved weekend retreat has been cancelled after 20 years of existence. For years, the Women Alike Retreat had been held at the Tim Hortons Children’s Camp facility in the northern Nova Scotia village. With spots open for 80 women, the weekend retreat allowed breast cancer survivors to meet, discuss their cancer journey
Happy Father’s Day
The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network would like to wish a very Happy Father’s Day to all fathers and father figures, especially those who have been diagnosed or are living with cancer. Fathers and father figures play a very important role in the lives of everyone around them, and can be an amazing support system to their families. The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network would like to
CCSN Meets with Ottawa Mayor, Jim Watson
On June 7, 2017, members of the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network and Prostate Cancer Canada Network Ottawa met with Jim Watson, Mayor of the City of Ottawa. It was a beautiful day at City Hall to receive the Mayor’s official proclamation declaring June as National Cancer Survivors Month in Ottawa. CCSN’s President and CEO Jackie Manthorne posed with the Mayor as he read the proclamation,
Happy Mother’s Day
A mother can be a lot of things. A mother can be the one that gives you a hug, right after you hear your cancer diagnosis. A mother is the woman at the grocery store with two young children, who’s dealing with her metastatic breast cancer. A mother can be a person who just found out that her child has a rare form of leukemia.