Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits need to be extended for those undergoing cancer treatment

Most Canadians believe that when Employment Insurance (EI) deductions are taken from their paycheques, these benefits will be available when they need them. However, EI sickness benefits, which are accessed in the event of illness, only last for 15 weeks. For those cancer patients who need chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, or some combination of the three, 15 weeks is usually not long enough for them

Mourir dans la dignité – La ministre Hivon rend public le rapport du comité Ménard sur la mise en œuvre juridique des recommandations de la Commission spéciale

QUÉBEC, le 15 janv. 2013 /CNW Telbec/ – La ministre déléguée aux Services sociaux et à la Protection de la jeunesse et ministre responsable du dossier Mourir dans la dignité, madame Véronique Hivon, a rendu public aujourd’hui le rapport du comité d’experts sur la mise en œuvre juridique des recommandations de la Commission spéciale de l’Assemblée nationale sur la question de mourir dans la dignité.

The Eve Appeal responds to recent United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendations on ovarian cancer screening

London, England, September 17, 2012 – There have been reports in the media this week of recommendations from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) that screening healthy asymptomatic women for ovarian cancer can do more harm than good. To date no ovarian cancer screening strategy has been shown to save lives however the efficacy of ovarian cancer screening is being investigated in the

Canadians are paying the price for drug shortages, according to Canada’s hospital pharmacists, community pharmacists and physicians

OTTAWA, January 14, 2013 – According to the results of a new survey completed by over 1,070 members of the Canadian Pharmacists Association, Canadian Medical Association, and Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists in October 2012, drug shortages clearly remain a problem for Canada’s health system.  The survey confirms that the health and well?being of patients is being negatively affected, and that physicians and pharmacists are devoting

World Cancer Day, February 4, 2013

World Cancer Day 2013 (4 February 2013) will focus on Target 5 of the World Cancer Declaration: Dispel damaging myths and misconceptions about cancer, under the tagline “Cancer – Did you know?”. World Cancer Day is a chance to raise our collective voices in the name of improving general knowledge around cancer and dismissing misconceptions about the disease. From a global level, we will be focusing our messaging

Ontario Government Seniors’ Strategy Attacks Universality for Seniors’ Health Care; Thin on Improvements to Access

Toronto, ON, January 9, 2013 – The Ontario Health Coalition, representing more than 400 organizations dedicated to protecting public health care, including the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network, warns that the Ontario government’s proposed Seniors’ Strategy threatens the core principle of universal health care for all. “Universality is a core principle for health care. As more and more services are moved out of hospital it is