In a provincial budget that notes Ontario is a “low tax” (and low service) province that spends the least on public services of any province in Canada, the government has unapologetically written a provincial budget that will lead to ballooning health care wait lists, more out-of-pocket costs, and unsafe conditions for Ontario patients. “The funding levels for health care services in the provincial budget are
Month: March 2012
Ontario Budget Leaves More than 30,000 Ontarians Waiting for Health Care
The funding levels for health care services in the provincial budget are worse than expected,” noted Natalie Mehra, director of the Ontario Health Coalition. “Funding levels announced for hospitals and long-term care are far less than what is needed to maintain existing services, let alone address backlogs. The result will be major cuts to needed care services, longer wait lists for long-term care and unsafe
Ontario Budget Leaves More than 30,000 Ontarians Waiting for Health Care
(March 27, 2012) In a provincial budget that notes Ontario is a “low tax” (and low service) province that spends the least on public services of any province in Canada, the government has unapologetically written a provincial budget that will lead to ballooning health care wait lists, more out-of-pocket costs, and unsafe conditions for Ontario patients. “The funding levels for health care services in the
Health Providers Against Poverty Warns Ontario’s Austerity Budget Will Cost by Worsening the Health of Ontario’s Most Vulnerable
March 27, 2012: Health Providers Against Poverty today expressed dismay at the Ontario government’s continued assault on the health and pocketbooks of the province’s poorest residents. A freeze in welfare rates is effectively a cut to the income of people who are struggling to live on almost 60 per cent less than what they received through social assistance 20 years ago. This is an assault to the health of social assistance
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario condemns attack on vulnerable people to rein in spending
TORONTO, March 27, 2012 – The province’s so-called plan to keep spending in check will end up hurting vulnerable Ontarians the most, according to the nurses’ association. Members of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) say the “double whammy of freezing the minimum wage and social assistance rates isn’t just bad social policy – it’s bad health policy,” says Chief Executive Officer Doris Grinspun. “Asking those who can least
Le Collège des médecins du Québec confirme qu’il y avait un problème et recommande des améliorations à l’assurance qualité
Les résultats de l’enquête commandée par le comité exécutif du Collège des médecins du Québec afin de réviser la lecture de plus de 22 000 mammographies effectuées dans trois cliniques de Montréal et de Laval, entre 2008 et 2010, ont révélé qu’au total 109 cancers du sein ont été détectés et pris en charge, au fur et à mesure qu’ils étaient diagnostiqués. « En novembre