Ontario Health Coalition’s Summary & Analysis of Ontario’s Drummond Report

If you are an Ontario resident, please take a few minutes to read this excellent summary and analysis of the Drummond Report from the Ontario Health Coalition. More information on this Report can be found on the OHC’s website at http://www.web.net/ohc/. February 15, 2012: Much of the preamble to the report and the rhetoric surrounding it aim to create a crisis in spending, even in flagrant

Don’t miss “The real scandal: science denialism at Susan G. Komen for the Cure”

If you are concerned about breast cancer screening and the over-simplification of breast cancer, you must read The real scandal: science denialism at Susan G. Komen for the Cure by Christie Aschwanden! The Susan G. Komen for the Cure has been in the news lately because it cut funding to Planned Parenthood, which, among other services, was providing breast screening for low-income women who couldn’t

World Cancer Day 2012, Part 2

Why does the world recognize a cancer day every year? Certainly because cancer is still a killing disease in this world. Personally, as President and CEO of the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network, I recognize cancer is a killer but I will not recognize one world cancer day because cancer patients die every day of the year. Despite millions upon millions of dollars, there is no

World Cancer Day 2012, Part 1

World Cancer Day is an annual global day that is recognized every February 4 to raise awareness of cancer. People, businesses, governments and non-profit organizations work together on World Cancer Day to help the general public learn more about the different types of cancer, how to watch for it, treatments and preventative measures. Various activities and events include: Television, radio, online and newspaper advertisements and articles

Les hommes et les femmes du Québec souffrant de cancer avancé de la prostate ou du sein et présentant des métastases osseuses ont maintenant accès à un nouveau médicament

Le Québec fait preuve de leadership en soutenant les hommes et femmes aux prises avec un cancer avancé de la prostate ou du sein OTTAWA, le 1er févr. 2012 /CNW/ – Aujourd’hui, le Réseau canadien des survivant-es du cancer (RCSC) tient à féliciter le gouvernement du Québec pour l’accès qu’il offre à un nouveau traitement novateur, XGEVA® (denosumab), visant à prévenir les complications osseuses invalidantes,

Men and Women with Advanced Prostate or Breast Cancer and Bone Metastases in Quebec Now Have Access to New Medication

Quebec shows leadership in supporting men and women with advanced prostate and breast cancer OTTAWA, Feb. 1, 2012 /CNW/ – Today the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network (CCSN) congratulates the Quebec government for providing access to an innovative new treatment, Xgeva® (denosumab), for the prevention of debilitating bone complications, known as skeletal-related events (SREs) in men and women with advanced prostate or breast cancer which has